Here are some updates from the North Fork Patrol courtesy of Mark Heaphy:
1). During the last week of this past general hunting season a hunter illegally shot two cow elk in the vicinity of Whale Creek road; the truck and license plate were reported by some landowners. Although the case is still ongoing, the patrol voted to give an award to the landowners; this award is split between the patrol and the NFLA. Thanks to all who continue to keep an eye out for their neighbors properties.
2). The patrol also added Kevin Ulrichsen to its patrollers. After the required background check and briefing he is starting to help check on signed up properties. Kevin is an EMT, former fireman and a great addition to the NF patrol.
3). There have been a few medical incidents these last few months and folks have since asked what they should do. The very first thing one should always do in any emergency is to somehow contact 911; if you don’t have phone service figure out who near you does and have them do so. Be sure to have your address and pertinent info available (things can get stressful so write it down beforehand if possible) for example: 12345 NF road, 120 year old man with pacemaker, high blood pressure, diabetic with history of…etc). By making this call the ball gets rolling and available resources are notified, such as park rangers, law enforcement, SAR, border patrol, hospital etc. Next, you can contact other neighbors, professionals, north fork patrol etc. Typically you can expect both a truck from Blankenship Fire and Three Rivers ambulance, or/and (depending on the emergency) a helo from ALERT or 2Bear. As necessary (to save time), you can always transport the subject down the NF road with flashers on to meet an ambulance en-route. If possible, have an extra person available to mark your entranceway for an ambulance. You can also have little “go bag” ready if you’re going to stay the night at a hospital or in the valley.
These are just basic steps to help during an unexpected emergency.
4). Currently there are about 125 properties signed up for the patrol.
5). The annual winter North Valley SAR training is scheduled for Saturday, 8 Feb. It will be conducted in the Kintla Ranch/Trail Creek area and possibly state section 16.
6). If there are any questions, folks are always welcome to contact Mark at 406-890-5043.