North Fork Activities Calendar
for 2024
[ Click here to view/print the calendar! ]
(Google Docs app may be required on iPhone/iPad.)
All new information and/or changes to the calendar will be announced at NFLA meetings, via this website, and on Facebook.
Printed Versions of the North Fork Calendar can be picked up at the top of Vance Hill. There is a small black mail box for calendars on the side of the Rittenburg Mail Box. Heading North this is the first mail box on the left in the group of 6 at the top of Vance Hill.
PLEASE NOTE: During the summer months (June – August), The North Fork Landowners Association meetings are the 2nd SUNDAY of each month with a speaker at 7pm and business meeting at 8pm. The September and October meetings start an hour earlier, with the speaker at 6pm and meeting at 7pm.
- CHURCH SERVICES: Non-denominational services led by Don Sullivan, will be held at Sondreson Hall each Sunday at 10.30am from June 4th until August 27th. These will be followed by coffee and social time. Please bring a snack to share. Don Sullivan’s email:
- WERNICK’S GARDEN SALE: (Note Change) The Wernick’s produce will be available for sale on June 21st, July 19th & Aug 16th & Sep 20th at NOON @the Gazebo on E. Meadow Rd. Fresh vegetables and plants sell out early. Don’t be Late!
[ Click here to view/print the calendar! ]
(Google Docs app may be required on iPhone/iPad.)