Here’s some information a lot of folks have been waiting for, received late in the afternoon on May 27 from Pete Webster, Deputy Superintendent of Glacier Park . . .
An update from Jim Dahlstrom, North Fork District Ranger concerning Camas Road Bypass permits (continue the reading the main article for more details): “The passes will be here at the station by the end of the day [Saturday, May 28]… Ideally, [North Forkers] …would present themselves in person during business hours where we record their vehicle information, etc. and then get them their pass. Since I don’t have the packet in front of me right now, I don’t have many more details on the program logistics. But it shouldn’t be too onerous.”
Welcome to Summer!
Now that we have begun the vehicle reservation system, I want to share with you what we are calling the Camas Road Bypass permit. This is the access we committed to for this season to allow immediate park neighbors, with justifiable needs, a chance to use the Camas Road for thru traffic without a vehicle reservation.
To be clear this is not an entitlement of just being a North Fork or West Glacier resident. In addition to being a neighbor to the park, you will need to explain your specific need for thru travel using Camas Road when being issued the permit. Generally, those traveling between Columbia Falls and Polebridge should first consider using the North Fork Road. We do acknowledge the condition of that road is difficult for frequent travel, which contributes to the interest in the bypass permits and our ability to provide them.
At this point there are no hard criteria. I only ask that requests be for reasonable needs. What we can consider for future years is dependent on what we learn and how successful it was this year. Also to be clear, this permit does not allow access to Going-to-the-Sun Road. Remember there is unlimited access to the Camas Road before 6am and after 4pm.
Camas Road Bypass permits will be issued at park headquarters and the Polebridge Ranger Station. Please email Masaki Mizushima (maskai_mizushima@nps.gov) to arrange pickup at park headquarters. Or contact Jim Dahlstrom for pickup at Polebridge. Please bring your vehicle registration when you pick up your permit. Additional details will be given when you are issued the permit.
I know some of your community’s interest is to just have access to Apgar. The Camas Road Bypass permit was not developed for that purpose. The Apgar businesses have developed their own process that work within our system to support access to their businesses. You can reach out to Eddie’s, Montana House, Cedar Tree, or the School House if you would like to visit one of their locations.
Please share within your communities.
I am always open for feedback, questions, or concerns. Please don’t hesitate.
Thank you, and let’s all have a great summer season!
Pete Webster
Deputy Superintendent
Glacier National Park
(406) 888-7901