About 30 people came to the Kinsolvings for the first astronomy night of the year. Our presenter and guide to the stars, Mike Hawkaluk, came early and set up two large telescopes so that we could take a peak at the setting sun. We were actually able to see several sun spots on the sun’s surface. Once the sun went down, Mike gave an interesting slide presentation that provided great context and background for what we were going to be seeing in the night sky. Then he led us to the Kinsolving’s field where the telescopes were set up and showed us double stars, nebula, star clusters and more. Mike had this terrific laser pointer that enabled him to show us exactly which stars and constellations were under discussion including Capella, Cassiopeia, the Great Square of Pegasus, and the summer triangle.
The second astronomy night of the season is scheduled for Saturday, September 28th on the Hart’s deck. Mike will return with a new presentation, so you don’t want to miss it.