In case some of you are North Fork residents/landowners, but are not on the Interlocal mailing list, Here’s a copy of a recent email about submitting local issues and concerns for discussion at the meeting…
Hi, folks.
The Winter 2024 Interlocal Agreement Meeting is hosted by Flathead County at 10:00pam, on Wednesday, February 14, at the Glacier National Park Community Building on Albright Circle near the park’s West Glacier entrance.
For those of you new to this, Interlocal meetings are held twice each year, winter and summer. These semi-annual get-togethers are intended to encourage open discussion between North Fork landowners and neighbors, and local, state and federal agencies. In other words, it’s a big deal if you have an interest in the North Fork.
As a convenience (it’s not required), I’m serving as a central point of contact for issues that North Fork organizations and individuals would like to see addressed by the various government agencies represented at the meeting. If you’ll send me your issues via email to wkwalker@nvdi.com by the afternoon of Monday, January 29, I’ll see to it that they get passed on to the various organizations in enough time for them to prepare their presentations.
Please feel free to get in touch if you have any questions.