From the Desk of the President and Vice President
Dear Neighbors,
Officially, it is still winter as the NFLA volunteers and Board work diligently to put together the “spring” newsletter. This is an important undertaking, and a very large amount of time is spent putting the calendar in place, organizing events, and generally planning for a busy summer. We would not hesitate to declare the NFLA “community” to be home to the largest volunteer army of any community to be found west of the Mississippi. Winter is a perfect time to do this as we await the arrival of spring and the many distractions which occur when the weather improves. While this is our first attempt to write a welcome newsletter, we did take the time to read past letters reaching back to 2006. Given the timing of this newsletter it is always true that “spring is just around the corner” and this is cause for excitement given how tough some of our winters can be. Truthfully, we did have a very cold stretch this winter that caused the river to freeze over, which is always a bit exciting. However, we are probably all wishing the snow pack was much deeper as we ponder the coming summer and eventually “fire season.”
Our community lives with nature and rejoices in all its seasons. We plan and prepare while looking out for each other. We look forward to summer and the community fellowship it brings as neighbors return along with the robins. We are truly blessed to be part of this community and call the North Fork “home.”
This year promises a delightful mix of community gatherings, and we’re kicking off our popular monthly pizza get-together on the last Friday in May. These casual gatherings around the North Fork provide the perfect opportunity to share stories, laughter,and, of course, delicious pizza. It’s a chance to strengthen the bonds that make our community so special.
In celebration of our rich history, we’re thrilled to continue our history days, where seasoned North Forkers will delve into the captivating tales that have shaped our area. Additionally, our monthly meetings and speaker presentations at Sondreson Hall should be fun and informative.
Speaking of the hall, work continues on the ceiling project led by committee chair, John Stone. In true North Fork tradition, a group of volunteers is being organized to complete the project in late May in time for our first membership meeting on June9th. As Jack’s grandfather used to say, there are two types of construction in the North Fork: rustic and rough. The ceiling project aims to maintain this tradition and should delight all when completed.
As most of you know, the road projects were not completed as planned last summer and therefore we are looking forward, without much enthusiasm, to the most special of seasons, “construction season.” Look for updates on the NFLA website as it is impossible at this point to provide a “concrete” schedule, as nothing goes according to plan in the North Fork.
As we navigate the upcoming months, let’s cherish the sense of camaraderie that defines our community. Please renew your membership dues to help support all the volunteer activities. Feel free to donate more if you please. All donations and dues are appreciated and helpful. Please attend as many of our events as you can and take advantage of the opportunity to stay in touch with old friends and neighbors and meet new ones. Keep an eye on the NFLA calendar for specific details about each event as there are changes at times. Jack McFarland and Jim Rittenburg (our President and Vice President) jointly worked in preparing this year’s welcome for the newsletter. Please let us know if you spot some passages in this newsletter written by ChatGPT as we just had to experiment with it, just a little. We wish you a wonderful summer with family and friends.
Warm regards,
Jack and Jim
Click on the link below to get to a PDF version of the newsletter and calendar. And enjoy!
2024: Fall Newsletter
2024: Spring Newsletter
2023: Fall Newsletter
2023: Spring Newsletter
2022: Fall Newsletter
2022: Spring Newsletter and Calendar
2021: Fall Newsletter
2021: Spring Newsletter and Calendar
2020: Spring Newsletter and Calendar
2019: Fall Newsletter
2019: Spring Newsletter and Calendar
2018: 2018 Fall Newsletter and Fall Survey
2018: Spring newsletter, Wildfire Risk Assessment Request, and calendar
2017: Fall newsletter
2017: Spring newsletter and calendar
2016: Fall newsletter
2016: Spring newsletter, calendar, and emergency services
2015: Fall newsletter
2015: Spring newsletter and calendar
2014: Spring newsletter and calendar
2013: Spring newsletter and calendar
2012: Spring newsletter and calendar
2011: Spring newsletter and calendar
2010: Spring newsletter and calendar
2009: Fall newsletter, Spring newsletter
2008: Fall newsletter, Spring newsletter
2007: Fall newsletter, Spring newsletter
2006: Fall newsletter
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