North Fork Road construction season begins with lots of gravel hauling

As some of us noticed, especially those  who live within earshot of the North Fork Road, there has been a lot of heavy gravel hauling going on. According to Stephanie McElhinney, the Federal Highways Administration project engineer, it is related to this year’s scheduled construction work on the upper five miles of the North Fork Road:

The contractor was up in Whale Creek on Monday/Tuesday.  They hauled out 14 trucks with of material to take down to Cutting Edge’s facility.  My understanding from another FHWA staff member was there were other trucks up in the area as well doing culvert repair.

She went on to say that we’ll see more action starting in early June, the official start date for the project, which includes work on both the top five miles of the North Fork Road and on Glacier Drive between Polebridge and Glacier Park. There will also be a project newsletter posted within the next few weeks.

For overall project information, see: Federal Highways Administration 2024 construction plans for the North Fork Project