Currently 17.0 miles of the Going-to-the-Sun Road are open for travel.
Visitors can drive 11.5 miles from the West Entrance to Lake McDonald Lodge, and 5.5 miles from the St. Mary Entrance to Rising Sun.
The section of the road between Lake McDonald Lodge and Rising Sun is closed due to plowing. The East Side vehicle closure is currently at Rising Sun approximately 5.5 miles past the St Mary Entrance. On the west side, hiker/biker access is to the Logan Pit, approximately 10 miles past the vehicle closure, while the road crew is working. On the east side, there is no traffic allowed past Rising Sun including hiker/biker restrictions, though visitors need to follow the signage guiding them around the St Mary Entrance Station construction.
The Camas Road is Open!
And here is a special note from our new Polebridge Ranger Jim Dahlstrom… The road is now open going north 7 miles to the gate on the other side of Big Prairie. The road going south is not open to vehicles yet, but might be this weekend.
Randy is trying to arrange for Ranger Dahlstrom to join us at the first NFLA meeting in June.