Here are some photos from the Interlocal meeting on February 14, 2025. Lots of familiar faces, both from the local community and the various governmental agencies…
Tag: North Fork Interlocal Agreement
Issues for the 2025 North Fork Winter Interlocal

In case some of you are North Fork residents/landowners, but are not on the Interlocal mailing list, Here’s a copy of a recent email about submitting local issues and concerns for discussion at the meeting…
The Winter 2025 Interlocal Agreement Meeting is hosted by the Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation (DNRC) at 10:00am, on Friday, February 14, in the Main Conference Room, Flathead Forest Supervisor’s Office, 650 Wolfpack Way, in Kalispell.
Please note that the meeting is on Friday, Feb 14, not Wednesday, Feb 12 as originally scheduled.
For those of you new to this, Interlocal meetings are held twice each year, winter and summer. These semi-annual get-togethers are intended to encourage open discussion between North Fork landowners and neighbors, and local, state and federal agencies. In other words, it’s a big deal if you have an interest in the North Fork.
As a convenience (it’s not required), I’m serving as a central point of contact for issues that North Fork organizations and individuals would like to see addressed by the various government agencies represented at the meeting. If you’ll send me your issues via email to by the afternoon of Wednesday, January 29, I’ll see to it that they get passed on to the various organizations in enough time for them to prepare their presentations.
Please feel free to get in touch if you have any questions.
UPDATE! The Interlocal Issues were compiled and submitted to the agencies on January 29th. View the list here.
Photos: 2024 Firewise & Interlocal Meetings, July 10, 2024
(It may take a few seconds for the photos to load.)
Continue reading Photos: 2024 Firewise & Interlocal Meetings, July 10, 2024
Issues for the 2024 North Fork Summer Interlocal

In case some of you are North Fork residents/landowners, but are not on the Interlocal mailing list, Here’s a copy of a recent email about submitting local issues and concerns for discussion at the meeting…
Hi, folks.
This year’s Summer 2024 Interlocal Agreement Meeting is hosted by the North Fork Preservation Association on July 10, 1:00pm, at Sondreson Hall. It is preceded by the annual Firewise meeting at 9:30am and lunch at noon. Continue reading Issues for the 2024 North Fork Summer Interlocal
Reminder: North Fork Interlocal Agreement meeting, Feb 14, 10:00am
North Fork Interlocal Agreement Meeting
Wednesday, February 14, 2024
10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Meeting Location: Glacier National Park Community Building
Albright Cir, West Glacier, MT 59936
To attend online (via Microsoft Teams), use this link
Host Organization: Flathead County Continue reading Reminder: North Fork Interlocal Agreement meeting, Feb 14, 10:00am
Issues for the 2024 North Fork Winter Interlocal

In case some of you are North Fork residents/landowners, but are not on the Interlocal mailing list, Here’s a copy of a recent email about submitting local issues and concerns for discussion at the meeting…
Hi, folks.
The Winter 2024 Interlocal Agreement Meeting is hosted by Flathead County at 10:00pam, on Wednesday, February 14, at the Glacier National Park Community Building on Albright Circle near the park’s West Glacier entrance. Continue reading Issues for the 2024 North Fork Winter Interlocal
2023 Summer Interlocal Meeting a resounding success

This summer’s North Fork Interlocal Agreement Meeting was a resounding success. Kudos to all the folks who came together to make it a real community-based event. Extra credit is due to the lunch crew who not only fed about 50 people, but organized the transformation from meeting room to dining hall and back again, all in the space of an hour.
We had 70 people there, including about 28 agency representatives from (deep breath) the Flathead National Forest, Glacier National Park, Montana FWP, Montana DNRC, Flathead County, U.S. Border Patrol, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, The Glacier Institute and the U.S. Federal Highway Administration (no, really!). And we only finished 10 minutes late.
Reminder: North Fork Firewise and Interlocal Agreement meetings this Wednesday, July 12

Just a quick note to remind everyone that the Firewise and Interlocal meetings are this Wednesday, July 12, at Sondreson Hall.
Firewise is at 9:30am, organized by the Fire Mitigation Committee.
Lunch is at noon with the North Fork Trails Association (NFTA) providing the main course and the local community chipping in with sides!
The Interlocal begins at 1:00pm, also sponsored this summer by the NFTA.
It’s that time again! Agency input for Winter 2023 Interlocal due Jan 24

Hi, folks.
The Winter 2023 Interlocal Agreement Meeting is hosted by the U.S. Forest Service at 10:00am, on Wednesday, February 8 at the Glacier Park Community Building in the park’s headquarters complex near the West Glacier entrance.
For those of you who are new to this, Interlocal meetings are held twice each year, winter and summer. These semi-annual get-togethers are intended to encourage open discussion between North Fork landowners and neighbors, and local, state and federal agencies. In other words, it’s a big deal if you have an interest in the North Fork.
As a convenience (it’s not required), I’m serving as a central point of contact for issues that North Fork organizations and individuals would like to see addressed by the various government agencies represented at the meeting. If you’ll send me your issues by noon on Tuesday, January 24, I’ll see to it that they get passed on to the various organizations in enough time for them to prepare their presentations. Please do not respond via Facebook or other social media. Use my email address,
Please feel free to get in touch if you have any questions.
Bill Walker
Get those issues in! North Fork Interlocal meeting, 1:00pm, July 13th at the hall!
The Summer 2022 Interlocal Agreement Meeting is at 1:00pm, on Wednesday, July 13 at Sondreson Community Hall. This summer’s Interlocal is hosted by the North Fork Landowners’ Association (NFLA). It follows the annual Firewise meeting at 9:30am. Lunch is at noon, with the NFLA providing the main course. If you wish, bring a side dish or desert to share.
Continue reading Get those issues in! North Fork Interlocal meeting, 1:00pm, July 13th at the hall!