NFLA Vice President Donna Harrison recently attended Thanksgiving at the hall and sent in the following story…
Numbers were small, but community spirits high on a snowy Thanksgiving Day. The challenge of an icy, rutty parking lot was met with neighborly good
cheer as vehicles were pushed in to parking spaces. The Hall was warm and lovingly decorated by volunteers who arrived early to make it a welcoming place.
Three turkeys and a beautiful ham donated by Steve and Christina Berg were prepared in the homes of several generous folks. These and delicious dressings, scrumptious mashed potatoes and gravy, tasty casseroles, and salads awaited the line of diners. Of course, the beautiful table of pies
and cakes and other goodies tempted everyone and caused many to overeat (including me). The smaller crowd made visiting easier, and lots of folks caught up with neighbors while enjoying food and fellowship in our unique North Fork way.
Thanks to everyone for a wonderful time.
Thank you Donna for sending in the story. Don’t forget, if you have something to contribute to the website, don’t hesitate to send it in using the NFLA contact page.