Dick Leigh sent these from the Community Float that took place yesterday, Aug. 1 … On the shuttle back up got 12 people 2rafts and 4 kayaks in pickup and trailer. Great time!
Category: Social
Pie and Ice Cream Social and Square Dance 2017
North Fork Booklovers – July 20
The first 2017 meeting of the North Fork Booklovers will be Thursday, July 20 at 7:30 p.m. at the home of Dick and Janet Leigh, 15920 North Fork Rd. Our book will be “Dancing at the Rascal Fair” by Ivan Doig. It’s a great work of fiction about Scottish settlers in Montana in the late 1800s. If you have any questions, please contact Janet at Janet.l.leigh@gmail.com or 406-253-5680. Hope to see you there.
Upcoming Bike Rides

Date: Sunday, June 25
Route: Camas Road to Apgar (and back) also known locally as the “Ride for Ice Cream”
Distance: 22 miles round trip
Difficulty: Moderately strenuous (three miles of uphill at the start of the return trip)
Meeting Time: 9:00 am at the parking area on the Camas Road by the stop sign you encounter less than a mile after crossing over the Camas Bridge from the North Fork Road
Date: Wednesday, June 28
Route: Upper Hawk Creek
Distance: 11 miles
Difficulty: Easy
Meeting Time: 9:00 am at the junction Red Meadow Road and the North Fork Road (Note: We will return in time for Wernick’s garden sale.)
Date: Friday, June 30
Route: Cyclone Notch to Big Creek
Distance: 16 miles
Difficulty: Moderate (a few small uphills, but mostly downhill)
Note: This ride requires a shuttle. Contact Valerie Cox at 406-570-7734 or vk.cox@icloud.com to arrange the shuttle.
Meeting Time: Meet at 9:30 am at the junction of the Big Creek Road #316 (just north of Big Creek Outdoor Center) and the North Fork Road to drop shuttle vehicles. From there we will drive to Cyclone Notch where the bike ride begins.
Community Float from the Border to Ford – June 27
A float trip from the Border to Ford has been organized. The June 27th river float will begin at the Border at 11 am and take out at Ford. Dick Leigh will leave a car at Ford for shuttle back up to the Border. Please bring a lunch to enjoy with your neighbors and friends on the river. And don’t forget your life jacket!
Float Trip Planned for June 13th – CANCELLED
First Float Trip! Scheduled for Tuesday, June 13th. Hosted by the Ulrichsens and Leighs. As always, weather and river conditions prevail. Contact the Leighs dickleigh30@hotmail.com or check the Hall bulletin board for details.
The plan would be to meet at the border and launch at 11AM. Dick has volunteered to leave a pickup truck at Ford to shuttle people back to border launch area at the end of the trip. Lunch will be eaten on the river. Come and join your family and friends for this North Fork tradition.
More Bike Rides Scheduled for this Week

More bike rides have been scheduled for this week. Get out there and have some fun.
North Forkers Biking the Park
Here’s a report of the bike trip by Val Cox. She says… Eight of us North Forkers enjoyed our bike ride from Avalanche Campground to The Loop–and some of us went miles beyond the Loop–with warm temperatures, sunny skies, and breathtaking scenery. Our group loaded up onto the first biker shuttle of the day at the Transit Center in Apgar. Everyone agreed that the shuttle is the way to go!
Community Outing to Stonehenge Air Museum
Community outing to Stonehenge Air Museum in Fortine with lunch after at Renee’s Rolling in Dough. If you have not been, it is wonderful. A book has been written about one of the airplanes you will see – “A Higher Call” by Adam Makos.
The plan is to start the tour at 10AM. To get there, go 0.3 miles north of Montana Highway 168 on Highway 93, turn on to Crystal Lake Road. Then got 2 miles and turn left on Stonehenge Drive.
Reservations are needed at the museum and lunch, so please either call Dennis or Carol Groebe at 406-888-9803 or come by and leave a note (130 Rainbow Drive).
Thanksgiving at the Hall – 2015
Thanksgiving at the Hall last Thursday was a 100% complete success. With over 100 people in attendance, everyone enjoyed each other’s company, the delicious appetizers, the main course (including turkey and ham), and of course the excellent desserts. The co-hosts for this event, Steve/Christina Berg and Jon/Pat Elliott were ably assisted by Steve Weber, Mark/Margaret Heaphy, and Ray Brown among many others.
While folks were talking and setting up their places at the tables, young master Triem serenaded the gathering on his cello with Thanksgiving selections. Before dinner began, Steve Berg made a short speech of thanks, Jon and Pat Elliott recounted what Thanksgiving at the Hall was like 40 years ago on the first occasion, and Randy Kenyon presented outgoing NFLA Treasurer Bonny Ogle with a plaque in appreciation for all of her hard work for that organization over the years. Finally, Mark Heaphy said a heartfelt grace of thanksgiving and the feast began.
Did you know that Pat Walsh’s deviled eggs recipe is in the North Fork Cookbook? Get more information about how you can order the North Fork Cookbook from here.
Below are some photos taken by Patti Hart at this event. Click on one of the photos to get a slide show with the captions.