New North Fork cookbook will be ready this week

Front Cover of the new cookbookIt has been forty-three years since the last North Fork Cookbook was published by Cecily McNeil in 1971.  Cecily’s North Fork Kitchens Cookbook contained recipes and memories of original homesteaders and their families.  Soon, we will have a new North Fork Cookbook which contains recipes and color photographs of nearly 100 North Fork families and individuals.  The new cookbook also includes a Heritage Section that features historic photographs and tells the stories of twenty long-time North Forkers who are no longer living.  Most of the photos in this section come from Larry Wilson’s legendary collection.

Continue reading New North Fork cookbook will be ready this week

Forest Reminds Users of Changing Spring Conditions

Flathead National Forest managers remind all Forest users to be prepared for changing conditions and be aware of possible hazards. Water levels remain very high and all visitors are asked to be very cautious and properly evaluate if conditions are safe enough to allow for foot or stock crossings. As crews work to clear trails they are encountering small wash-outs and some large avalanche debris areas. If anyone encounters damaged trail tread or other conditions please report it to the respective ranger district. You may encounter road work including blading, brushing and ditch cleaning. Work areas will be clearly signed and motorists are asked to use caution. All forest users should expect the unexpected. Continue reading Forest Reminds Users of Changing Spring Conditions

NFLA BoD recommendation on the organization’s name change

The NFLA BoD has written a position paper that includes some background and a recommendation on whether or not to change the NFLA’s name back to NFIA.

The BoD asks that everyone review and talk about this document (see the link below) with your neighbors over the summer. General discussion time will be on the agenda for the July and August meetings when members will decide what action to take.

Our thanks to the BoD for taking time for careful consideration of this controversial topic and writing such a well thought out response.  We all appreciate the hard work that this represents.

The complete document may be viewed by clicking  NFLA Name Change – BOD Position Paper 6.3.2014.  For those who have internet access and a printer, please make copies available for your neighbors.

NFLA Holds June Meeting Outdoors

On Saturday night, the North Fork Landowners Association held its first meeting of the season outside due to the refinishing of the Hall floor a few days prior to the meeting. In order to protect the newly re-finished floors, several board members walked across the new floor in their socks and handed out the chairs. Although President Karen McDonough predicted a small turnout, this was not the case and more and more chairs had to be hauled outside as people kept arriving. The meeting proceeded as planned, but it would have been better if a few less mosquitoes had not also attended the meeting.  These photos were provided by Suzanne Daniel.

2014 NFLA Hall Cleanup Day

The Sondreson Community Hall was buzzing with activity on Saturday morning for the annual Hall Cleanup Day.  Members of the North Fork Landowners Association had a fun time together and accomplished a lot in a short period of time.  Vice President Donna Harrison was in charge of the event and started things off with a list of things that needed to be completed.  Margaret Heaphy and Suzanne Daniel cleaned the outhouses while Bill Walker split kindling.  Richard Hildner and Randy Kenyon hauled kindling into the Hall while Jackie Graham dusted the rafters with Karen McDonough holding the ladder.  Alice Caldwell, Becky Braunig, Naomi Hoiland swept and mopped the inside of the Hall while Jan Caldwell cleaned the windows.  Debo Powers cleaned the generator shed while Bonny Ogle went after old wasp nests in all of the outbuildings.  Lynn Ogle helped to move tables.

An executive decision was made by President Karen McDonough to get rid of the old green plastic sofa and enthusiastic workers carried it out to the road hoping that someone will “steal” it.  Lunch followed with chili dogs provided by Donna and side dishes from other participants which included Naomi’s famous sticky buns.  After lunch, all of the furniture was moved into the kitchen to prepare the Hall for floor refinishing which is scheduled for the first few days in June.  The cleanup day was a demonstration of community spirit and cooperation and was greatly enjoyed by all participants.

Spring open burning

The spring open burning season will run from March 1 to April 30. Burners must call the Ventilation Hotline daily at 751-8144 or check online at before burning. The hotline and the Web site are updated daily before 8:30 a.m. Weekend information will be available on the hotline by 5 p.m. on Fridays. Prohibited materials include all man-made materials, treated materials, wood and wood by-product trade wastes. Construction debris is considered a trade waste. Campfires and warming fires are restricted to less than three feet in diameter and consist of materials less than three inches in diameter.

Thanksgiving at the hall was rich in community spirit

NFLA Vice President Donna Harrison recently attended Thanksgiving at the hall and sent in the following story…

Numbers were small, but community spirits high on a snowy Thanksgiving Day. The challenge of an icy, rutty parking lot was met with neighborly good
cheer as vehicles were pushed in to parking spaces.  The Hall was warm and lovingly decorated by volunteers who arrived early to make it a welcoming place.

Three turkeys and a beautiful ham donated by Steve and Christina Berg were prepared in the homes of several generous folks.  These and delicious dressings, scrumptious mashed potatoes and gravy, tasty casseroles, and salads awaited the line of diners. Of course, the beautiful table of pies
and cakes and other goodies tempted everyone and caused many to overeat (including me).  The smaller crowd made visiting easier, and lots of folks caught up with neighbors while enjoying food and fellowship in our unique North Fork way.

Thanks to everyone for a wonderful time.

Thank you Donna for sending in the story. Don’t forget, if you have something to contribute to the website, don’t hesitate to send it in using the NFLA contact page.

Backwoods Booklovers looking for suggestions

Although the snow is flying, it’s not too soon to be planning for next summer. The Backwoods Booklovers are soliciting suggestions for 2014 books.  Two fiction and two non-fiction books are included in the schedule.  Please send your suggestions, with a review if you have read the book, to Gerry Stearns at  If you don’t have suggestions but would like to have a say in what books are read, please send your e-mail address and note to Gerry.