October 13, 7:00pm: ‘True Adventures of our Early Pioneers’ presentation by John Fraley

Join us for a presentation by Author John Fraley on the true adventures of people who earned their livings in the wild mountains and rivers of the Bob Marshall Wilderness and Glacier Park during the 19th and early 20th centuries.  Fraley is the author of “Rangers, Trappers, and Trailblazers”, “Wild River Pioneers”, and “A Woman’s Way West”, and is retired from a 40-year career with the Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks.

Sondreson Hall, 7:00pm, Sunday, October 13th.  Bring a snack to share if you can.  The last general meeting of the NFLA will follow at 8pm, and canned goods for the Veterans Food Pantry will be collected there.

Sondreson Hall Cleanup 2018

On a gloriously sunny day last Saturday, a smaller than usual crowd showed up for the annual Hall Clean-up at Sondreson Hall.  The North Fork Dancers (those who participated in the winter dance classes) made up most of the group.  Much was accomplished and everyone had a good time.  Firewood was chopped and stacked; the fence was repaired; the outhouses, generator shack, and Hall were thoroughly cleaned; and kitchen supplies were re-organized.  Rachel and Alan Peura provided the lunch by grilling hamburgers and serving side dishes.  The lunch table was set up on the front porch in order to enjoy the perfect spring day!

Thanks to all of the folks who organized the cleanup and everyone who came to help. The hall is now ready for a summer of serious business and serious fun.

Mouse droppings don't stand a chance | photo by Suzanne Daniel

Get back to work your two! | photo by Suzanne Daniel

A well earned lunch | photo by Suzanne Daniel

Fun-filled Hall Clean-up Day 2017

Spring cleaning is lots of fun when it is accomplished in a community.

Nineteen North Forkers gathered on Saturday, May 27, for the annual Hall Clean-up.  Wood was split and hauled into the Hall for both wood stoves.  Rafters were dusted and windows were washed.  The kitchen was cleaned and re-organized.  The floor was vacuumed.  The outhouses were scrubbed and new paint was added.  Fences were repaired.  The generator shed was swept.  A fallen tree was cut up for firewood and brush was stacked on the burn pile.

With so many helpers available, the work was accomplished quickly with lots of time for visiting and sharing news.  Lunch was prepared by Alan Peura who cooked burgers and veggie burgers on a grill to add to the assortment of salads and cookies.

Hall Cleanup Draws a Crowd

Margaret & Suzanne cleaned the outhousesOn Saturday, a large number of North Fork landowners participated in the annual Hall Cleanup Day at the Sondreson Community Hall in the North Fork.  Equipped with gloves, tools, and cleaning supplies, landowners washed windows, tables, counter tops, floors, outhouses and everything else they could get their hands on.  In addition, wood was chopped and stacked, rafters were dusted, yard debris was burned, and noxious weeds were pulled.  There were so many volunteers that the work was finished quickly and everyone enjoyed a lunch prepared by NFLA board members.

We want to thank all the volunteers who came to help!

Click on a photo to see a slide show of the cleanup.

Annual Hall Cleanup

Suzanne cleaning the men's outhouseNext Saturday, May 28th, is the annual cleanup of Sondreson Hall. Inside volunteers please bring cleaning supplies. Outside volunteers please bring appropriate tools, rakes, gloves, etc. A light lunch & drinks will be provided.

This annual event is a great way to start the summer season on the North Fork. Come see all your neighbors and get the hall ready for all the summer fun.

Sondreson Hall has New Bookcase

Thanks to Kevin and Emily O’Bryan, North Fork landowners, who donated a bookcase for the Community Hall. Kevin built the beautiful wooden bookcase in Ohio (where he was building cabinets and shelves for their North Fork cabin) and transported it here. The bookcase will display books on the flora and fauna of the Northern Rockies which were donated by North Fork landowner, Randy Lakes. There will also be a shelf of books written by local authors. [Any North Fork author who would like to donate a copy of their book(s), please contact debopowers@gmail.com]. All of these books can be checked out (and returned) by NFLA members beginning this summer when the library will be set up.

“Creeks” Donate to Sondreson Hall Fund

The “Creeks of the North Fork” float The “Creeks of the North Fork” float won first place in the Polebridge 4th of July Parade this year. The first place prize, donated by the Merc and the Saloon, was $100 to spend at the Merc or Saloon and $100 to be donated to whatever non-profit organization the group chose.   “Creeks of the North Fork” spent their prize money on a pizza party on Friday night. The group decided that the $100 donation should go to a North Fork non-profit organization. After some discussion about which organization, they reached consensus on the NFLA Improvement Fund for Community Hall Maintenance since having use of Sondreson Hall benefits everyone in the North Fork. Most of the 18 members of the float attended the pizza party (although not everyone was present when the picture was taken).

2015 Sondreson Hall Cleanup Day

Hall Cleanup CrewOn Saturday, about 20 members of the NFLA showed up to help with the annual Hall Cleanup Day. It was a pleasurable neighborhood experience—a combination of chatting and light work—cleaning, dusting, sweeping, organizing, trimming bushes, washing windows, and splitting kindling for the wood stoves.   Everyone had a good time and there were enough people to complete all of the tasks in a short period of time. Our Community Hall is now ready for a season of fun-filled community activities to begin. A delicious lunch of chili, salad, and dessert completed the day.

Thanksgiving at the Hall 2014

The community celebrated another wonderful Thanksgiving at the Community Hall last evening.  The roads getting to the hall were icy and slick, but friends and neighbors (some coming all the way from town) were not to be stopped.  Several folks brought appetizers including some delicious deviled eggs. The side dishes were especially good this year including mashed potatoes, several different types of dressing, several different types of corn pudding, green beans with fried onions, cranberry sauces, and salads. Finally, the desserts were wonderful including several different versions of pumpkin pie, pecan pie, a huckleberry/rhubarb crumble, and melt-in-your-mouth toffee.

We want to thank Steve and Christina Berg for hosting this annual event as well as all the folks who helped cook the turkeys and ham, served, and stayed to help clean up.

Don’t forget Christmas Day dinner at the Hall and New Year’s Eve at the Hall.  Both of these events are again open to the public and everyone is welcome.  For more information, see the NFLA calendar.

Fire Mitigation Committee Report, Fall 2014

Firewise Day2014 Firewise Day

The North Fork Landowners’ Association’s Fire Mitigation Committee held its annual Firewise Day workshop on July 16, 2014. The theme of the workshop was “Wildfires Happen: Take Action! Plan. Prepare. Prevent.”

The program began with a powerful DVD about recent major fires in Colorado, with a segment on the Yarnell Hill Fire in Arizona in 2013. Several outstanding presentations followed. Angela Mallon, Stewardship Specialist with the Montana DNRC’s Forestry Division, used model simulations to demonstrate the effectiveness of various fuel treatments. North Fork landowner Larry Kinsolving described the restoration work that he and his wife Ruth are doing on their property in the aftermath of the Wedge Canyon Fire in 2003. The title of his presentation was “Closing the Ring: Fire, Restoration and Beyond.”

The forty attendees heard updates about North Fork activities from representatives of the U. S. Forest Service and the DNRC. They also learned about the status of the North Fork’s current hazardous fuels mitigation grants. Finally, they were given an overview of the Firesafe Montana program by Jennifer LaManna, Firesafe’s Executive Director.

Work completed on the Sondreson Hall Fuels Mitigation ProjectSondreson Community Hall Hazardous Fuels Project

The North Fork Landowners’ Association applied for and received a hazardous fuels reduction grant for work around Sondreson Community Hall. North director Allen Chrisman, who also serves as co-chair of the Fire Mitigation Committee, lined out the project. The objective was to remove surface and ladder fuels and to provide space between the crowns of the remaining trees.

Nineteen volunteers contributed a total of 81 hours and the use of equipment to the Hall project. They sought to minimize soil disturbance and visual impacts, leaving strong, healthy trees in place.   The project was completed in late May 2014 and has been well-received by the community.

Hazardous Fuels Grants

The DNRC awarded the North Fork its fourth hazardous fuels grant in the Fall of 2013, this one in the amount of $91,000. As with our three previous grants, monies are available on a cost-share basis, with the grant paying 75% of the cost and the landowner contributing the remaining 25%.

A priority of the new grant is to reduce fuel accumulations along the lower segment of Trail Creek Road, where it passes through private property. Treating the fuels will provide significant benefits, among them improving ingress and egress for landowners, allowing safer access for firefighters, and affording an escape route over the Whitefish Divide in the event of a large fire or other catastrophic event in the lower North Fork Valley.

The Fire Mitigation Committee is working collaboratively with private landowners, the Forest Service and Flathead County on the Trail Creek Road project.