Final NFLA Business Meeting of the Year – Oct. 8

Message from Treasurer Chris Heitz… Our last NFLA meeting of the season is Sunday, Oct 8.  Larry Wilson will be showing some of his wonderful slides at 7PM, and the meeting will be at 8PM.  We are asking our members to bring donations of canned goods for the Food Bank or the Veterans Pantry, and of course, monetary donations are also welcomed.  This 70th Anniversary summer has been one of the best and we hate to see it end, but our new Board is already planning events for next summer!  If anyone has ideas or suggestions for next year, please email Chris Heitz at and they will be forwarded to the Social Committee.  Thank you so much for your past support, and we look forward to seeing you on Sunday, October 8, and next year.

National Cohesive Wildland Fire Management Strategy September Newsletter

An Assessment of Wildfire Transmission and its Implications for Risk Governance
An Assessment of Wildfire Transmission and its Implications for Risk Governance

We thought that North Forkers would be interested in reading the Western Region National Cohesive Wildland Fire Management Strategy September Newsletter. It begins…

This has been a particularly tough season for stakeholders in the West. Cohesive Strategy’s Western Region and its partners are leading the charge to facilitate identification and implementation of collaborative, cross-boundary solutions to the complex, landscape-level issues we are facing today. The Cohesive Strategy is the right framework from which to continue to build social, political and scientific support to address these issues. Change will not occur overnight but together we can change the trajectory that can be plainly observed in recent fire seasons.

In this issue:

  • Collaborative Landscape Planning and Fuels Reduction Pays Off
  • “Why I Burned My Property and How I Shot It”
  • Public – Private Partnerships Paying Off During Montana Fires
  • An Assessment of Wildfire Transmission and its Implications for Risk Governance
  • Teaching Fire with Fire
  • Increases in Wildfire-Caused Erosion Can Impact Water Supply and Quality
  • What the Joint Fire Science Program Can Do for You
  • Upcoming Learning Opportunities

Tap here to read the full newsletter.

Food Drive for the NW Montana Veterans Food Pantry

Larry Wilson announced at last night’s NFLA Business Meeting that we will once again be conducting our October food drive.

The annual food drive, originally proposed by Bob Grimaldi years ago, is a way for the NFLA members to get involved in a community service project and provide others with a small share of our good fortune. North Forkers set aside appropriate items while cleaning out and closing their North Fork homes for the season and bring them to the Sondreson Hall during the final business meeting of the year.

This year we’re collecting for the NW Montana Veterans Food Pantry. According to their website, “You can help by donating coffee, canned and boxed goods, juice, frozen meats, grains, cereal, produce and peanut butter.” They’ve provide a Food & Nutrition Chart as a guide to what might be most appropriate to donate.

If you want to write a check, you can give it to one of the Board members and they’ll see that it gets turned in with the food. For those who want a receipt that they can use for tax purposes, just let Larry or someone on the Board know and they’ll make that happen.

In years past we’ve collected over 100 pounds of food. We can do it again! So gather up your food donations and either bring them with you to the hall for the Sunday, October 8th, Business Meeting or drop it off with a neighbor who will be coming.

September Wildland Fire Outlook

Here is the link to the September/October/November Wildland Fire Outlook:

For September in the Northern Rockies: Above Normal significant large fire potential is expected in all areas except Yellowstone National Park and eastern North Dakota in September where Normal Potential is expected.

In October Above Normal significant large fire potential will continue across the southern Idaho Panhandle and across most of Montana, except the Kootenai Region and Southwest Montana. Western North Dakota will also experience elevated potential in October as well.

This is grim news. While we will see diminished potential for lightning starts as the season progresses, the relief we need in terms of a season-ending moisture event looks elusive. And with the number of new starts across the state during the past few days, there is a lot of fire on the landscape that will not go out on its own. In addition we don’t have enough overhead teams/crews/engines/aircraft to staff the fires that are active now.

This is going to be a very tough September and October for Montana. I’m hoping that escaped hunter fires don’t add significantly to the fire situation….

Let’s be careful out there.

Crazy Hat Square Dance 2017

A good time was had by all at this year’s Crazy Hat Square Dance. Here were some of the hat entries.

This year Karen McDonough took home the pie prize.

Crazy Hat Square Dance 2017

Then the square dancing began, with Debo Powers  doing her usual excellent job of teaching and dancing. With enough people to form four squares and folks left over, it was not only the best square dance of the season but one of the best ever!

2017 Community Picnic

Three Musketeers, sponsors of this year's Community Picnic
Three Musketeers, sponsors of this year’s Community Picnic: Linda Pittman, Jan Caldwell, and Val Cox

The community picnic held at Sondreson Meadows last Tuesday was a great success. It was a nice day, good food, and fun playing beanbag toss and horseshoes. Thank you to Jan and Alice Caldwell for their hard work. Special kudos to Jan for providing a much needed sanitation facility at Sonderson Meadow as pictured here.

Firewise Day 2017

Firewise Day 2017Following is a report from co-chairs Molly Shepherd and Allen Chrisman…

The NFLA’s Fire Mitigation Committee sponsored its annual Firewise Day workshop on July 19, 2017, immediately preceding the Summer Interlocal meeting.  About 55 people attended.  The program was compelling and well-received by attendees.

Our principal speaker was Byron Bonney, who had a long and distinguished career with the Forest Service.  He now works as a community forester with the Bitterroot Resource Conservation and Development Council, assisting landowners in designing and implementing fuels treatments.  Those treatments were put to the test during the dangerous Roaring Lion Fire in the summer of 2016.

Mr. Bonney reminded attendees of the three purposes of the National Cohesive Wildland Fire Strategy:

  • To create a resilient landscape,
  • To build fire-resistant communities, and
  • To assure a safe and effective wildfire response.

Secondary goals are to increase forest health and to reduce insects and disease.

Since 2000, wildfire has consumed enormous resources in the United States, including both the costs of suppression and damage/loss to lives and property.  Three factors affect fire behavior:  fuels, weather and topography.  The only factor we can do anything about is fuels.  The objective is to get fire to the ground instead of spreading through the crowns so that it can be better managed, increasing opportunities to divert it around structures.

When the Roaring Lion Fire started in late July 2016, fuels work had been done on twenty of the properties within what would become the fire perimeter.  Fifteen of the primary structures within the thinned areas survived.  Many of the homes that burned were adjacent to national forest designated roadless areas, choked with fuels.  Fire generally went to the ground when it hit the thinned areas, sparing structures that otherwise might have been lost.

Mr. Bonney asked us whether we had prepared our homes and our properties for a devastating wildfire.  He emphasized the potential consequences of lack of preparedness.  For example, a fire crew may refuse to enter a property if a landowner has not done his or her part to reduce risks.  Fuels mitigation around a home and the road accessing the property is particularly important, providing a safe area for wildland and structure firefighters to work and adequate ingress and egress.

Removing flammables from your decks and immediately adjacent to the structure that can be ignited by a shower of embers is critical.  In addition, nooks and crannies, vents, and ridge caps should be sealed or screened to prevent embers from landing and igniting the structure.  Landowners must be proactive, not reactive, and must understand the consequences of their decisions.

Lincoln Chute, Fire Service Area Management Chief, and Ali Evans of the DNRC spoke about the status of revisions of Flathead County’s Community Wildfire Protection Plan.  They hope to have a draft of the revised plan later this year.  The North Fork has its own plan appended to the county’s plan.  The Fire Mitigation Committee expects to update the North Fork plan in conjunction with the revisions.  Community participation is required in the process.

Lincoln also addressed the current Evacuation process – residents can expect to receive a Warning during the first contact with the Sheriff’s Office, and then an ordered Evacuation on the second contact if time allows.  Residents are expected to be aware of the hazards of wildland fire, and when they see smoke, they need to begin implementing their preparations for evacuation without notice from the Sheriff’s Office.  If the risk is imminent, residents need to remove themselves and their most critical possessions to a safe area without waiting for a formal evacuation notice.

The Blankenship Fire Department is designated as the primary responding Department in the Fire Service Area for the North Fork.  They will respond to provide structure protection in the North Fork Valley.  Chief Ed Burlingame described the resources that can be deployed to protect our homes.  In reality, there are not enough resources available to defend multiple structures in a short time frame.  Response times up the North Fork are significant as well.

Keith VanBroeke, who worked with the Fire Mitigation Committee in its early days, is now the Deputy Forest Fire Management Officer for the Flathead Forest.  He was the Operations Assistant Fire Management Officer for Hungry Horse/Glacier View Ranger District, and is very familiar with the North Fork.  He described the staffing the Forest has, bringing in initial attack resources from other Geographic Areas to bolster their I/A capability.

The current Operations AFMO for HH/GV is Ryan Butler.  He gave us an overview of the current burning conditions.  He commented that as of July 19, we’re ahead of schedule in fuels flammability and fire potential.  He likened conditions at that time to peak dryness in August.  The Forest Service is in an aggressive initial attack mode, as seen in its response to the recent fire up Moose Creek.

Firewise Day 2017

Finally, Bill Swope of the Flathead Economic Policy Council summarized hazardous fuels grant activity on the North Fork.  He called the Trail Creek ingress/egress project a “big success.”  Flathead County assisted in the project by chipping the resultant slash.  The North Fork still has a small amount of money available in its fourth grant.  Moreover, a recent $300,000 grant that was awarded to the northern end of Flathead County may be used for treatments on the North Fork.

As ever, the Fire Mitigation Committee appreciates the continuing support and collaboration of agencies with jurisdiction on the North Fork, including the participation of agency personnel in our Firewise Day workshop.

Outlook for Wildland Fire for August/September/October

Significant Wildland Fire Potential Outlook for August 2017
Significant Wildland Fire Potential Outlook for August 2017

Here is the Outlook for Wildland Fire for August/September/October:

This Outlook better represents the conditions we are seeing, both up the North Fork as well in more severe burning conditions across the rest of Montana.  This is in sharp contrast to the forecast from Predictive Services we received at our IMT Spring Meetings which forecasted a “slow normal” fire season for the Northern Rockies.  I think we have exceeded the acres burned by August 1 that they forecasted for the entire season – and you all know that we have six to eight weeks of fire season left.

I just returned yesterday from a 12 day assignment as Deputy Plans Chief with Shawn Pearson’s North Idaho Type 2 Team on the Sunrise Fire outside of Superior, Montana.  Doug Turman’s Type 1 Team replaced us, because it is truly a Type 1 Fire.  Pearson’s Team had been assigned several days before I was ordered – I was one of the folks they ordered to expand the Team’s capability to manage a complex incident.

The fuels in Southwest Montana are extremely dry.  Operations did an incredible job burning out heavy fuels around structures that had been evacuated.  As I left yesterday, the Team had not lost a structure, which was incredible as well.  Our fuels in the mid and higher elevations in the Flathead are retaining more live fuel moisture, but that may not last long if the heat does not moderate.  This is very similar to the 2007 fire season where the Flathead saw large fires – Brush Creek west of Whitefish in Star Meadows, and Skyland Creek Fire in the Skyland Creek area that burned over Marias Pass through the Lewis and Clark National Forest, and onto the Blackfeet Reservation.  The North Fork dodged the bullet in 2007.  I hope we are as fortunate again.

Anyway, I’m thinking I may not have much time up the North Fork until after the season ends.  And I wouldn’t expect that until October 1 at the earliest.  We all know they can extend with nice fall weather as well.