The Fall Enrollment Letter is in the Mail

The Fall Enrollment Letter was mailed today.  The Post Office now requires address confirmation on bulk mail, which we can either do by a return service to correct a bad address, or addressee “or current Occupant”.  Because we didn’t know that until I was taking the mail to the counter, we borrowed a  stamp from Insty Prints “Occupant” and stamped all the pieces.  So, everyone will get a mailer stamped “Occupant” followed by their name and address. That allows the Post Office to deliver the item regardless of whether the name is correct or not. We’ll consider options for next year to avoid the “Occupant” stamp.

You can also access the Fall Enrollment Letter on line by clicking here. If  you have any questions about the letter, don’t hesitate to contact Treasurer Heather Sullivan via e-mail.

Thanks to Heather and all for doing the address labels and tabbing.  Bulk mailing is fraught with rules and regulations, so we appreciate all the help it took to get this out!

NFLA Members Donate to Local Food Bank

Sondreson Hall by Gerry StearnsThe annual NFLA food drive has concluded and over 100 pounds of food items were delivered by NFLA President Randy Kenyon to the Columbia Falls food bank.

The annual food drive, originally proposed by Bob Grimaldi years ago, is a way for the NFLA members to get involved in a community service project and provide others with a small share of our good fortune. North Forkers set aside appropriate items while cleaning out and closing their North Fork homes for the season and bring them to the Sondreson Hall during the final business meetings of the year.

We want to thank everyone who participated this year. And a special thanks to Randy for hauling the load down to Columbia Falls.

Have a great fall and see you on Thanksgiving at the Hall.

October 1 National Fire Potential Outlook

Attached is the October 1 National Fire Potential Outlook:

While it states that the fire season is over in the Northern Rockies: 

Northern Rockies: Significant wildland fire potential will be normal for the outlook period October, November, and December 2015 through January 2016.

Wet storms in early September greatly reduced fire potential with most indices across the geographic area near normal conditions. Some increases occurred with the warm and dry conditions over southeastern and south central Montana but shorter days and cooler nights will keep fuel moisture rising into the fall. Some evidence of drought stress in live vegetation across the western half of the area will likely be a factor for the 2016 fire season. El Niño conditions deep into the winter suggest poor snow conditions and continuation of drought across the area.

Fire season for 2015 is essentially over for the Northern Rockies. However, significant wind events during the fall-to-winter transition could produce brief fire concerns in the fine fuels east of the continental divide until snow falls. This will likely be delayed given the forecast of El Niño conditions.

Message from Fire Chief Lynn Ogle

According to the USFS report in the Daily Interlake dated October 1, 2015, fires will continue to burn until significant RAIN and or SNOW. At this time the fires in Lincoln County continue to burn but pose NO immediate threat to Private Property.

Marston Fire is now over 7000 acres.
Goat Rock Fire is over 22000 Acres.

The fire season is being lifted in Flathead County has been moved to Open burning. However the following information should be followed.

  1. Check the weather forecast and air quality for Rain and or Wind events.
  2. Establish a fire line and clear the Perimeter around your fire, down to bare soil.
  3. Have an adequate WATER supply and EXTRA persons to help control any fire that might escape your control.
  4. NEVER leave any fire unattended!
  5. Start debris fires small and add in small amounts to insure you can keep your fire contained.
  6. Always REMEMBER that you can be held Financially Responsible for suppression costs, should your fire escape!

Lynn P. Ogle
Fire Chief, Trail Creek Irregulars

Birding on the North Fork – Last Business Meeting of the Year

This coming Saturday, October 3rd, starting at 7PM at Sondreson Community Hall, Donna Harrison will speak on Birding on the North Fork. Donna’s talk will be followed by the last NFLA business meeting of the year starting at 8PM. Come join your friends and neighbors for this interesting talk and meeting.

And don’t forget to bring your food donations for the Food Bank. See this post for more information.

Square Dance on Saturday Night

Come join Debo and the gang for the last NFLA square dance of 2015. It’s this Saturday night, September 19, starting at 8PM at Sondreson Hall. We’ve been practicing all summer and now is the time to put all of those square dance moves into motion. Please bring s snack to share with your neighbors.

Message from the NFLA Board

The NFLA Board Welcomes You To A New Year!
2015/2016 NFLA Dues

Dear North Fork landowner,

As president of the North Fork Landowner’s Association (NFLA), I would like to take a few moments of your time to bring you some important information. The NFLA has been an ongoing and active organization since 1947.  During that time, it has represented and supported landowners in promoting and maintaining our unique corner of the world.   Without our dedicated volunteers, none of this would be possible.  First and foremost though, remains the aged star of our community, the Sondreson Hall. This hallowed hall is the conerstone of our North Fork. Maintaining this facility to the highest standards of safety and quality is expensive and time consuming.

This is where your membership pledge can provide ongoing support.  This small contribution can and will help ensure the future of our little corner of the world. Dues for an Active Member are $15 per person.  Associate membership for non-owners is $10.  Any additional contribution is greatly appreciated!

For more information on joining and a calendar of events and activities please visit our website at

We look forward to another exciting and eventful 2016!  Randy Kenyon, NFLA President

NFLA 2015/2016 Board Members: Randy Kenyon-President; Allen Chrisman-Vice President; Heather Sullivan-Treasurer, Secretary; Karen McDonough-Past President; Alan McNeil-Hall Usage, South Director; Jan Caldwell- Social Committee, South Director; Paul Marotz- Hall Maintenance & Improvements, North Director.

North Fork Landowners’ Association
Membership Sign-up/Renewal

The North Fork Landowners’ Association was founded in 1947. The Association owns Sondreson Hall at Whale Creek that serves as a center for business and social functions on the North Fork. Only property owners of record, their spouses and adult members of their immediate families are eligible to vote. Associate Members (non-property owners) may not vote. Annual dues for Active Members are $15 per person; dues for Associate Members are $10 per person. Dues may be paid by mail or in person at any NFLA meeting.  Additional contributions are welcome.

Please send your dues to:
North Fork Landowners’ Association
P.O. Box 1603
Columbia Falls, MT  59912

Backwoods Book Lovers Get Ready

The next meeting of the Backwoods Book Lovers is coming up on Tuesday, September 15th starting at 7:30PM at Sondreson Hall.  The book this month is Fools Crow by James Welch. Here’s an excerpt from Wikipedia…

Fools Crow is a 1986 novel written by Native American author James Welch. Set in Montana shortly after the Civil War, this novel tells of White Man’s Dog (later known as Fools Crow), a young Blackfeet Indian on the verge of manhood, and his tribe, known as the Lone Eaters. The invasion of white society threatens to change their traditional way of life, and they must choose to fight or assimilate. The story is a powerful portrait of a fading way of life. The story culminates with the historic Marias Massacre of 1870, in which the U.S. Cavalry mistakenly killed a friendly band of Blackfeet, consisting mostly of non-combatants.

You have plenty of time before the 15th, so read the book and come join your North Fork neighbors in the discussion. Also please bring a snack to share. Backwoods Book Lovers is hosted by Gerry Stearns.

Message From the New Treasurer – Heather Sullivan

Good morning!

I would like to introduce myself for those who don’t know me and thank Bonnie for all her years of dedication! I look forward to working with everyone!

My family has had property on the North Fork for 35 years. I grew up here as a kid every summer and raised my two daughters’ here the same way. Glacier and the North Fork has been our home for a long time, and I moved from Maryland last summer to be here full time. I live in Kalispell during the week and am at the North Fork most weekends.

I volunteered for the Treasurer position because my career is in business, I have an accounting and business degree, and have done accounting for others in the past. I thought I might be able to help out J

Thank you for your patience during this transition time and please feel free to contact me.

Don’t forget our meeting this Saturday, Sept. 5th at 8 pm.

See you all there!

Heather Sullivan

Heather SullivanHeather Sullivan, Treasurer
North Fork Landowners’ Association
P.O. Box 1603
Columbia Falls, MT. 59912

Message from Bonny Ogle

Effective August 31st, after five years of working with some of the greatest neighbors a person could want, I’m retiring from the North Fork Landowners’ Association as Treasurer.

I had done this before back in the 1980’s but things have changed a great deal since then.  It was a learning experience then but there were no phones or radio phones, internet or spreadsheets!  This time it has been an even greater learning experience and there have been many teachers and helpers along the way.  Too many to even begin to mention here.

Thanks to all who helped me or even just provided moral support with a smile or a hug when you came into the hall.  Hopefully I’ll still get to see you in the neighborhood.

Please use my new email if you need to contact me about anything or just to chat at .  All of you North Forkers who need to reach the new Treasurer, Heather Sullivan, please email her at   She’s a great gal and I know she’ll do a good job for you all.

Our heartfelt thanks to Bonny for taking such good care of the NFLA finances for all these years. Bonny… you are a wonder.