Scoping begins for North Fork Road easement near border

NF Road Easement Request - map

As some of you may recall from last summer’s Interlocal, Flathead County discovered, after 100+ years, that the North Fork Road has no official easement through a section of state land near the border. This means they have to buy access from Montana DNRC. *And* that means DNRC has to scope out the sale, including a public comment period. (They were going to ride the Forest Service’s coattails on this as part of the overall North Fork Road FLAP grant work, but USFS was moving too slowly.)

Anyway… Below are the materials DNRC sent out Friday, January 4. If you have any questions or comments on this proposed easement, please contact Dave Ring at or by calling 406-881-2663. Comments must be received no later than December 18, 2020 to be considered.

Cover Letter
Map of Requested Easement
General Area Map

Also, the Daily Inter Lake posted a good article on this issue: “Land Board to consider easement for North Fork Road project

Flathead National Forest seeks input on winter recreation events and guiding services

Since there was a considerable kerfuffle last spring over outfitting and guiding permits in the North Fork, I thought I’d pass along the press release I received this morning concerning permits for winter activities. As near as I can tell, the only thing planned for our part of the North Fork is a series of guided snowshoe trips up the back side of Glacier View peak (Glacier View Mountain Trails #381 & 381.1). This probably won’t happen because most of #381.1 has been closed since the Robert Fire – someone didn’t do their homework.

Anyway, the deadline for comments is November 6. The press release has links to more detailed information.

Flathead National Forest

Flathead National Forest seeks input on winter recreation events and guiding services 

Kalispell, MT October 16, 2020 – The Flathead National Forest is accepting public comment on winter 2020/21 recreation events and temporary outfitting and guiding activities across the forest. The activities would take place between December 1, 2020 and April 30, 2021.

The events and activities include things like a cross-country ski event, avalanche training, snowmobile and snow bike tours, and guided skiing, among others.

The Forest Service authorizes these types of activities to expand recreation access to the public and provide tourism jobs for the local economy.

“We are incredibly fortunate to have four seasons of outstanding outdoor offerings,” said Flathead National Forest Supervisor Kurt Steele. “Whether you head out with your friends and family or take advantage of a more structured opportunity offered by a guide or planned event, there is something here for everyone.”

The Forest Service issues permits for these activities based on a “user day” which means that one person on a guided trip would be counted as one user day. Ten people on a one-day trip would be counted as ten user days for example.

Based upon preliminary analysis, the Flathead National Forest anticipates these projects fall within the Forest Service category of actions under 36 CFR 220.8 that may be excluded in either an environmental assessment (EA) or an environmental impact statement (EIS) and that no extraordinary circumstances exist which would preclude use of this category. Scoping comments along with additional review will determine whether these projects can be categorically excluded. These projects are specifically consistent with category 36 CFR 220.6(d)(8): Approval, modification, or continuation of minor, short-term (1 year or less) special uses of National Forest System lands.

Additional information and maps for all the projects can be found on the Flathead National Forest website. The Forest will update the website with additional information about the status of each permit as it is reviewed by specialists and any permits are issued. The public should submit comments by November 6, 2020 to


Frozen Moose forest management project planning nears completion

From the official press release . . .

October 15, 2020 Kalispell, MT–Flathead National Forest announced today that the Frozen Moose forest and fuels management project has moved to the next phase of its planning process with the release of the draft decision notice.

The draft decision proposes 8,077 acres of vegetation treatments to reduce forest fuels, improve forest health conditions, and provide forest products for the local economy. The whole project area evaluated is approximately 151,000 acres, of which 3,180 acres are proposed for commercial timber harvest, 4,897 acres are proposed for noncommercial vegetation treatments, and 89 percent of proposed treatments are within the wildland-urban interface.

The project would also improve aquatic habitat by replacing and removing culverts and restoring approximately three miles of old road to forest condition. It would add 13 miles of historical road back to the forest’s road system. Those roads would be made impassable after project completion. The project would also construct 6.4 miles of temporary road to be used for project activities and then restored back to forest condition. Public motorized access would not change in the area.

The project area includes the North Fork community north of Polebridge, MT, which has seen significant wildfire activity and community evacuations over the last thirty years.

The forest has received numerous formal and informal comments about the project since the project team first asked for public input in the winter of 2019/20. The public scoping period for the environmental assessment this summer received 17 comments. Other feedback was gathered during a virtual public meeting, Forest Service attendance at other community meetings, and site visits with adjacent landowners.

The commenters were supportive of the forest fuels management work, concerned about potential impacts to grizzly bears and bull trout, and wanting to see either more or less timber harvest than was proposed.

This week, the project enters an objection period, which is required by U.S. Forest Service regulation. The 45-day administrative review period allows people who have previously submitted timely, specific written comments during any designated opportunity for public comment to file an objection to the draft decision.

More information about the project can be found on the forest’s website.

Fire danger moves to moderate on Flathead area public lands

From the official interagency press release…

One Less Spark, One Less Wildfire

July 14, 2020, Kalispell, MT – Flathead area fire managers moved the fire danger rating to moderate today as fuels continue to dry out this week into next.

The danger rating is elevated for the Flathead National Forest, Glacier National Park, the DNRC Swan Unit, Stillwater Unit, and Kalispell Unit, and other local state lands. As a whole, Flathead County is also at a moderate fire danger.

Moderate fire danger means that all fine dead fuels like dried grasses ignite readily, and fires start easily. Campfires are likely to escape, and no debris burning is permitted this time because the area has entered fire season. Fires spread rapidly. Moderate intensity burning may develop on slopes or in concentrations of fine fuels. Under moderate fire danger, fires may take more time or resources to suppress.

Residents and visitors alike need to be especially vigilant this fire season and firefighters appreciate the public taking extra care with prevention. Check trailer chains so that they are not dragging and throwing sparks into roadside grasses. Become familiar with the campfire regulations wherever you are camping this summer. Never leave a campfire unattended and always extinguish it before leaving.

For information on how to prepare for wildfire season, contact the Community Preparedness Specialist for the Kalispell Unit of the DNRC at 406-751-2270.

Frozen Moose Project begins second round of public comment; online meeting July 16

Flathead National Forest

The Flathead National Forest, Hungry Horse-Glacier View Ranger District, has prepared an environmental assessment (EA) for the Frozen Moose Project.

Project documents, including the environmental assessment and maps, can be accessed at the project Web site under the “Analysis” tab:

They will be hosting a virtual public meeting on Thursday, July 16, 2020, from 6:00-7:00 pm. The purpose of the public meeting is to share information with the public about the environmental assessment and to answer questions about the Frozen Moose Project. (See the “Frozen Moose Environmental Assessment Cover Letter” below for details on joining the meeting.)

More information about the project, including how to submit a comment, and connection information for the virtual meeting can be found on the project Website.

Questions or comments about the Frozen Moose Project should be submitted to

Associated documents…

Press Release – “North Fork fuels reduction, timber, and restoration project seeks second round of public comment”

Frozen Moose Environmental Assessment Cover Letter


Status of Special Use Permits in the North Fork

North Fork Flathead River, May 16, 2018 - by William K. Walker
North Fork Flathead River, May 16, 2018 – by William K. Walker

Here’s an excerpt from a note Rob Davies, Hungry Horse/Glacier View District Ranger, sent around yesterday (July 2) concerning the issuance of special use permits in the North Fork. This is not quite officially final information, but it is unlikely to change in any meaningful way. The full email text is available here:

NW Adventures, ATV Guiding,   I have decided to not issue a permit in the North Fork based on comments received during scoping.   This company will still be permitted and operate on the West side of the Whitefish divide with one exception, they will be allowed to take clients to Red Meadow Lake and depart back to the West.  They will not be allowed to travel beyond Red Meadow Lake and they will not be able to take clients to Red Meadow Lake on weekends or Holidays.    Due to the COVID situation they are not expected to have as many clients as they were hoping for in their proposal.

Whitefish Shuttles.    Van tours and livery service to several trail heads, short hikes and bike tour in the North Fork will be permitted.  They expect much reduced numbers of clients and trips due to the COVID situation.

Cycling House, Bicycling tours cancelled due to COVID.

Adventure Cycling, Bicycle tours, cancelled due to COVID.

Spotted Dog Cycles:   Bicycle tours cancelled due to COVID.

Two of the five permits that were proposed in The North Fork will be issued this year, and they are only valid for 1 season.  The proponents would have to reapply if they wish to operate next year.

North Fork Interlocal meeting, 1:00pm, July 8th at the hall!

Sondreson Hall by Gerry StearnsThe summer North Fork Interlocal Agreement meeting will be held, Wednesday, July 8 at Sondreson Hall. Start time is 1:00 p.m. This summer’s meeting is hosted by the North Fork Trails Association.

Because of the COVID-19 pandemic and related issues, we’re shooting for a “lite” version of the Interlocal this summer…

  • There will be no lunch prior to the meeting. Feel free to bring your own drinks and snacks.
  • At this time, the hall occupancy limit is 50 people. Attendance at the past few summer Interlocals has been in the 80-90 range. Agencies should send only the minimum necessary staff. If appropriate, we can also accept written reports to be read aloud at the meeting (email them to me). North Fork residents and organizations should also consider ways to trim attendance.
  • Please wear a mask! If needed, we will have some disposable masks available at the hall (suggested donation $1).

Also, don’t forget the annual Firewise Day meeting in the morning, starting at 9:30 a.m.

The Interlocal Agreement provides for face-to-face contact with representatives of agencies whose policies and actions affect the North Fork. Interlocal Agreement meetings are held in the winter (in town) and summer (at Sondreson Hall). This is always a very interesting meeting, with reports from a range of government agencies and local organizations and often some quite vigorous discussion.

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