First Aid/CPR/AED Course May 23

First Aid SignageBob Lee will be giving his well-regarded First Aid/CPR/AED class in the North Fork again this spring. It is an all-day course, starting at 9:00am and wrapping up by 4:00pm. The date is Tuesday, May 23. The course will be held at Sondreson Hall. Cost is $45/person. Bring your own lunch and drinks. Class size is limited to 10 people.

The course offers two-year AHA certification in First Aid, CPR and AED usage. If your job requires certified First Aid training, your current certification is expiring or if you just want to get up to speed on such things, this is an excellent way to get it done.

Contact Bill Walker, 406-407-2764 or to sign up for the course.

In case you’re wondering why we are having two classes this spring: Last month’s session was mostly for people taking the chainsaw course in early May. This is the regularly scheduled class we hold each May. If we have enough demand, there will also be another class on Tuesday, July 18.

It’s that time again! Agency input for Winter 2023 Interlocal due Jan 24

Bob Dunkley explains Park plans for the Polebridge Ranger Station, post Red Bench Fire, at the 1989 Interlocal at Sondreson Hall.
Bob Dunkley explains Park plans for the Polebridge Ranger Station, post Red Bench Fire, at the 1989 Interlocal at Sondreson Hall.

Hi, folks.

The Winter 2023 Interlocal Agreement Meeting is hosted by the U.S. Forest Service at 10:00am, on Wednesday, February 8 at the Glacier Park Community Building in the park’s headquarters complex near the West Glacier entrance.

For those of you who are new to this, Interlocal meetings are held twice each year, winter and summer. These semi-annual get-togethers are intended to encourage open discussion between North Fork landowners and neighbors, and local, state and federal agencies. In other words, it’s a big deal if you have an interest in the North Fork.

As a convenience (it’s not required), I’m serving as a central point of contact for issues that North Fork organizations and individuals would like to see addressed by the various government agencies represented at the meeting. If you’ll send me your issues by noon on Tuesday, January 24, I’ll see to it that they get passed on to the various organizations in enough time for them to prepare their presentations. Please do not respond via Facebook or other social media. Use my email address,

Please feel free to get in touch if you have any questions.

Bill Walker

REMINDER: NFLA General Meeting & Food Bank Drive this Sunday!

Sondreson Hall by Gerry StearnsThe last NFLA general meeting of the year is this Sunday, October 9, at Sondreson Hall. Events start at 6:00pm with a presentation by Anthony Nelson, Director of the Glacier Institute. The membership meeting is at 7:00pm.

Bring a snack to share.

We will also be collecting non-perishable items for the Veterans Food Pantry!

And we could use a bit more firewood in the woodshed. The new stove uses 16-inch lengths or less, as opposed to the old stove that ate much longer logs. So we don’t have as much of the shorter stuff as we’d like.

August Garden Market canceled

Just received the following announcement from Jerry Wernick concerning the cancellation of the Garden Market scheduled for Wednesday, August 24 . . .

People have been asking about the August Garden Market. Because of my recent accident I am not able to walk yet and have a doctors appointment next Wednesday. Consequently we will not be able to host the market this month. We are hoping to have a market on September 14 to finish out the season. I am healing well, but it is frustratingly slow. I appreciate everyone’s support and understanding.

Reminder! First Aid/CPR/AED course next week; only three slots left!

First Aid SignageFor those of you who missed it in May, Bob Lee will be giving his well-regarded First Aid/CPR/AED class in the North Fork again this summer. It is an all-day course, starting at 9:00am. The date is Tuesday, July 12. The course will be held at Sondreson Hall. Cost will be $45/person. (Make checks out to Red Tail Education and Research.)

If it has been two years or more since you took this course, you need to take it again in order to maintain your certification.

Course size limit is 10 people! Contact Bill Walker ( or 406-407-2764) if you wish to attend.

Note! Like last time, the certification cards will be distributed electronically. The emails sometimes get misdirected to spam, so it is important to keep an eye out for that.

Get those issues in! North Fork Interlocal meeting, 1:00pm, July 13th at the hall!

Sondreson Hall by Gerry StearnsThe Summer 2022 Interlocal Agreement Meeting is at 1:00pm, on Wednesday, July 13 at Sondreson Community Hall. This summer’s  Interlocal is hosted by the North Fork Landowners’ Association (NFLA). It follows the annual Firewise meeting at 9:30am. Lunch is at noon, with the NFLA providing the main course. If you wish, bring a side dish or desert to share.

Continue reading Get those issues in! North Fork Interlocal meeting, 1:00pm, July 13th at the hall!