Plenty of volunteers . . . Continue reading Brush cleanup at Sondreson Hall, Sep 28, 2023
Category: Sondreson Hall
Reminder: Becky Braunig Memorial, August 5, 1:00pm, at Sondreson Hall
As a reminder, the memorial to celebrate the life of Becky Braunig will be held tomorrow, August 5, at Sondreson Hall, starting at 1:00 p.m. A meal will follow. Side dishes and desserts are welcome. Some of Becky’s friends from Texas will be in attendance.
Come join the community in bidding this dear North Forker a fond farewell.
Call for Volunteers! Sondreson Hall Cleanup — May 20, 10:00am
The Sondreson Hall spring cleanup is fast approaching. This year, it will be on Saturday, May 20 at 10:00am.
Dan Jacobson is in charge of hall maintenance and needs to ensure that enough people will be present to accomplish the various outside and inside tasks. If you can come, please contact his wife, Dawn, and let her know: or 406-730-1263. She’ll pass the word on to Dan.
Oh, did I not mention lunch? There will definitely be lunch. I believe Dawn has a lot to do with that part, too.
Christmas memories
From Margaret Heaphy comes this great community memory of last year’s Christmas dinner at Sondreson Hall . . .
Reminder! Christmas Celebration at the Hall, Dec 25
Doors open for social hour at 3:00pm.
Potluck dinner begins at 4:00pm.
Main course will be provided. Please bring a side dish and table setting.
For more information contact Mark or Margaret at
Thanksgiving 2022 Review!
By Zoë Zardis . . .
This Thanksgiving meal was a wonderful, combined effort of those who have done this many times and those of us to whom it was a first. It was great to share a meal with about 70 of the community together after a two-year break.
Before the setup even began, Bonny Ogle, Margaret Heaphy, Dick Leigh and Steve Berg were providing invaluable information that helped with all the behind the scenes work so the feast would go smoothly. Jean Perry worked diligently at creating runners for the centers of the tables.
Week-of and before had Randy Kenyon, Donna Harrison, Karen Atha, Angie Agnew, Beth Ulrichsen, Sarah Ulrichsen, Greg Evans, Karin Colby, and Rebecca Johnson, helping with the setup and decor. Greg and Randy also fired up the wood stove for us on setup morning. Wood was stocked by the Rittenburgs, Ulrichsens and those who brought some with them to the meal.
Thanksgiving Day, Krista Johnson, Bonny and Jean roasted a turkey while Karin perfected the ham in one of Alice Caldwell’s big pans. Greg got the fires started in the heating and cook stoves first thing in the morning. Kevin, Randy, Greg and Angie all had a hand in shoveling snow and Daryl Johnson dragged a log around clearing the parking lot in North Fork style. Randy, Donna, Mark and Margaret continued helping with setting up and Beth and Sarah encouraged folks young and old to create turkey hand art and play table football.
Bonny and Lynn Ogle brought their turkey which Lynn had carved in advance so it would be ready to be served. Mark carved the other turkey and ham, blessed the meal, and the eating began with delicious food had by all.
Then Santa, played by Terry Atha in the Leigh’s Santa suit, showed up for pictures.
North Fork style, many stayed and quickly got the hall put back into shape after the event.
Many thanks to all who participated whether with ideas, hands, or coming to share in this community event. It wouldn’t have been the same – or have happened at all – without you.
Lots more photos . . .
Thanks for the firewood!
The NFLA would like to thank Jim and Lorna Rittenburg for delivering two loads of firewood to Sondreson Hall — just in time for Thanksgiving!
Coming to Thanksgiving at the Hall? Bring wood!
From NFLA President Richard Hildner…
Presidential Request: A new Thanksgiving tradition is in the making. If each Thanksgiving dinner guest would bring a piece of stove wood, no longer than 16 inches, it would warm the Hall and help fill the woodshed.
Thanksgiving at the hall is happening!
We’re back! Thanksgiving at Sondreson Hall is happening on Thursday, November 24th! Doors open at 3:00pm; food will be served starting at 4:00pm.
Turkey, ham and mashed potatoes will be provided.
Please bring a side dish or dessert to share, as well as your own table service (plate/bowl, silverware, glass, napkin).
Contact Krista Johnson (360-815-5454) or Zoe Zardis (731-695-4528) if you have any questions or concerns.
Reminder: NFLA general meeting this Sunday, Sep 11, 6pm at Sondreson Hall!
NFLA General Meeting
at Sondreson Hall
Speaker at 6pm
Meeting at 7pm
The regular NFLA meeting starts at 7:00pm. Note that everything starts an hour earlier in September and October.
This month’s presentation kicks off at 6:00pm with Tim Thier speaking on The Pros and Cons of Grizzly Bear Delisting.