Sondreson Hall will be getting a floor facelift this summer. The main area will have the wood floors refinished from June 2nd through June 5th. The kitchen and wood stove areas are going to get brand new tile to make them even more fireproof and easier to clean. This work takes place between July 7th and 10th. A special community auction was held last year to raise the money to pay for these improvements to the hall. So thanks to everyone who donated their time and cash to make this needed upgrade possible. You can check out the calendar for information about these dates. Now let the square dancing begin.
Category: Sondreson Hall
Sondreson Community Hall Hazardous Fuels Project Update 5.19.2014
Allen Chrisman sent in an update for the Hazardous Fuels Project that is taking place at Sondreson Hall this month. It begins…
Work started Friday May 16th on the Sondreson Community Hall Hazardous Fuels Project. Duke Hoiland and Allen Chrisman spent the day falling the smaller trees, cutting it into lengths for post material and green firewood, and piling some of the slash, getting ready for the general workday on Saturday, May 17. The intent of the project is to remove surface fuels, ladder fuels, and provide space between the crowns of the remaining trees to reduce the fire hazard.
Read the full report with all the pictures here.
Sondreson Community Hall Hazardous Fuels Project
As discussed at the October Business Meeting, the NFLA Board has proceeded with application for a Hazardous Fuels Project grant from the Flathead Economic Policy Center. Fire Mitigation Committee Member Allen Chrisman met with Mason Richwine from the FEPC on Wednesday October 16 to look at the project at the Hall.
The intent of the project is to remove surface fuels, ladder fuels, and provide space between the crowns of the remaining trees to reduce the fire hazard. Excellent work has been done on the property to reduce surface fuels and prune the remaining trees. This project will remove additional trees to provide more space between crowns, and prune the trees that are left. Continue reading Sondreson Community Hall Hazardous Fuels Project
New Sign on Sondreson Community Hall
The NFLA board has been discussing a new sign for Sondreson Hall for over a year. While visiting the North Fork, Paul Genovese became interested in what was happening up here. He checked out the NFLA website and listened to the oral history interviews posted by the North Fork History Project. After that, he started reading the board minutes where he discovered that we were interested in a sign for the Hall. He contacted me because I was still the NFLA President at the time and we talked about the sign design that the board had in mind. Using a computer-controlled plasma cutting machine he cut the design out of a steel plate with a rustic finish. When the sign was finished, he drove up to the Community Hall and mounted it. Many thanks to Paul for his initiative, creativity, time, materials, and interest in the North Fork Community.
Maintenance Committee update – new porch on the back of Sondreson Hall
Lynn Ogle, Gary McDonough and Allen Chrisman replaced the back porch at Sondreson Community Hall on Wednesday September 11, 2013. The decking on the existing porch had rotted. The porch was replaced with pressure treated 4×4 stringers and 2×6 decking, and placed on concrete pads to prevent ground contact and rot. Thanks to Lynn for picking up the materials in town, and to Lynn and Gary for providing the tools and expertise necessary to complete the project. We were one board short – but found a scrap to finish out the project for the time being.
NFLA Auction was a BIG Success!
The Sondreson Community Hall was packed with almost 100 people on Friday night to raise money to re-finish the Hall floor. Before the auction began, participants enjoyed a “Sloppy Joe” dinner. Richard Hildner, the auctioneer, kept the crowd going with his antics. Everything was auctioned from a sled and a dump truck load of topsoil to a gourmet dinner with fine wines and a drift boat trip.
Other services by North Forkers were auctioned including lessons in fly fishing, dancing, guitar playing, and noxious weed pulling. Beautiful baked goods were sold through a silent auction on one side of the Hall. At the end of the evening, the NFLA met its goal of $5,000 for the floor project.
Many thanks to those who donated food and drinks: Karen & Gary McDonough, Larry Wilson, Bill Meeker, Ed Neneman, Bob & Jackie Graham, Duke & Naomi Hoiland, Carol Grobe, and Alice Caldwell. The North Fork Worship Family donated $375 for the floor project and Richard Hildner/Suzanne Daniel made a donation at the end of the evening to put the total over $5000. Everyone had a great time!
2013 Hall Cleanup Day
Smiles, conversation, and productive work fueled the twenty-three landowners that showed up on Saturday, May 25 for Hall Cleanup Day. Everyone was busy cleaning up the inside of the Hall and the grounds outside.
Gary Haverlandt worked on a picture display commemorating the Christmas celebration at the Hall. Joe Novak washed windows. Margaret Heaphy and Bill Walker cut kindling which was carried into the Hall by Margaret, Becky and Suzanne and stacked near the wood cook stove. Karen McDonough, Carmen Edwards, Bonny Ogle, Naomi Hoiland, and Alice Caldwell orchestrated the work inside the Hall while outside, trees and bushes were limbed and a fire was started to burn the debris.
The fire was guarded by Larry Wilson and brush contributors were Mark Heaphy, Jan Cauldwell, Nat Johnson, and Tom Edwards. Bob Graham cleaned the outhouse and Jackie Graham cleaned the generator shed. Richard Hildner brought his tractor to the Hall on a trailer and spread topsoil around the new outhouse site. Bob and other landowners used rakes and shovels to smooth the dirt while Lee Secrest, Gary McDonough, and others moved large rocks and placed them artistically to create a beautiful landscape. (The topsoil had been previously donated by Rob Alm.)
Grass seed was spread over the new soil by Debo Powers. We need a load of gravel to finish the landscape job. Duke Hoiland showed off his logging skills by expertly felling seven dead trees behind the Hall without dinging a single structure. Duke, along with Nat, cut the trees into firewood. There were many hands to stack firewood and haul brush to the burn pile.
It was amazing to see how fast the work was accomplished with so many people! Everyone enjoyed a wonderful lunch of hot dogs and chili provided by Karen McDonough. Karen’s fabulous homemade chili was a big hit with everyone. After lunch, the last few trees were felled, firewood stacked, and brush burned. Tom Edwards commented that more work was done in a half day than in the last three years combined. Everyone had fun too!
We want to thank everyone who participated for all of their hard work. And thank you Debo for both the report and the wonderful pictures. Let the summer begin!
New hall porch a community effort
Community service moved front and center this summer, as a host of volunteers led by Frank Vitale demolished Sondreson Hall’s decaying front porch and replaced it with a new model. The new porch features a full roof over the deck and composite stairs that will last for years, yet retains the original rustic look of the hall.
The project took some six long work days. North Forkers who donated their time, tools, money and materials are too numerous to mention. Special thanks, however, go to: Vitale, who designed the porch, and organized and supervised the project; North Fork builder Rob Fisher, whose expertise contributed to the excellence of the finished product; Lee Secrest, who donated and milled most of the awesome lumber; Tom Edwards, who donated $1,000 for the porch, and arranged for Western Building Center to provide materials at cost and with free delivery; Eric Martin of Western Building Center in Columbia Falls, who tweaked the materials list and saw that materials were delivered on time; Rob Alm, who donated and delivered a load of gravel for the base; Gerry Stearns, Bonny Ogle and Karen McDonough, who coordinated food donations and purchases, and prepared lunches for the workers.
Thanks to all for a job well done!