The Quartz Fire, about 14 miles northeast of Polebridge in Glacier Park, way up against the Continental Divide above Quartz Lake, made a pretty good run yesterday, filling the valley full of smoke. It’s estimated size is 150 acres, although it is likely a little bigger by now.
Here’s the official word as of yesterday evening from the fire’s InciWeb site . . .
Quartz Fire – Evening Update August 17, 2022
…Fire activity increased on the Quartz Fire this afternoon with east northeast winds moving it to the west and southwest within the Quartz drainage. The fire is currently estimated to be 150 acres. Fire growth caused an increase in smoke visibility from both sides of the Continental Divide, but there has not been any fire movement to the east.
Glacier National Park fire managers have ordered additional resources including firefighters who will begin structure protection measures for the historic Quartz Lake Patrol Cabin at the foot of Quartz Lake. Standard structure protection for small historic buildings includes laying hoses with pumps and sprinklers as well as wrapping the structure with fire-resistant structure wrap.
Glacier National Park will be enacting a closure order for trails and backcountry campsites in and around the Quartz drainage on Thursday. Details will follow when the closure order is finalized.