Chronic wasting disease detected for first time in wild deer in Flathead Valley

Uh, oh… This is getting pretty close…

From the Montana FWP press release:

KALISPELL — Chronic wasting disease (CWD) was recently detected in a white-tailed deer in Kalispell. This is the first time CWD has been detected in a wild herd in Hunting District 170, which encompasses most of the Flathead Valley.

FWP received reports of a symptomatic buck at the Flathead County Landfill. Wildlife biologists euthanized the animal and submitted samples for testing. The first test indicated that the deer as positive for CWD and a second follow-up test has been submitted for confirmation, following testing protocol.

FWP is working with Flathead County and will survey the landfill for any other potentially symptomatic deer on the property. Continue reading Chronic wasting disease detected for first time in wild deer in Flathead Valley

Glacier Park geology presentation at Sondreson Hall

Before the October 13th NFLA membership meeting, we enjoyed a presentation on the geology of Glacier Park by Teagan Tomlin. Teagan is a very animated and entertaining speaker. Everyone had a good time learning about some of the unique geological characteristics of the park.

Here are a few photos from the event…

REMINDER: NFLA General Meeting & Food Bank Drive this Sunday, Oct 13 at 6pm!

Sondreson Hall, Fall Decorations, Oct 6, 2024 - W. K. Walker
Sondreson Hall, Fall Decorations, Oct 6, 2024 – W. K. Walker

The last NFLA general meeting of the year is this Sunday, October 13, at Sondreson Hall. Events start at 6:00pm with a presentation by Teagan Tomlin Executive Assistant, Office of the Superintendent. Topic: Geologic History of Glacier National Park — an overview of the forces and processes that built and shaped the landscape of the park. The membership meeting is at 7:00pm.

Bring a snack to share.

** We will also be collecting non-perishable items for the Veterans Food Pantry! **

Final stargazing night of the year moved to Thursday, Sep 26

NGC7293 (383 exp)

Location – the Observatory 197 W Thunderbird Road
Time: 7:00 pm
Date: Thursday, September 26th

Weather is looking good for clear skies this week. Before dark we’ll discuss current happenings in the sky and general astronomy and cosmology trivia. After dark we’ll look for Saturn and Neptune through the telescope and other deep sky objects like galaxies and nebula (like the ones in the pictures here), red giants and star clusters.

M51 (439 exp)

Fire pit will be going so bring along anything you want to cook up or share. Will provide dogs (not pet ones), brats and s’more ingredients.

Spectacular truck fire near Walker’s

Truck and trailer being consumed by fire on North Fork Road, September 6, 2024 - W. K. Walker
Truck and trailer being consumed by fire on North Fork Road, September 6, 2024 – W. K. Walker

Some excitement the afternoon of Friday, September 6: A brand new F-150 pickup belonging to the contractor working on the road project at the upper end of the North Fork Road caught fire. The vehicle was a total loss, along with the load of road cloth on the trailer it was pulling. Continue reading Spectacular truck fire near Walker’s

No prescribed burns planned for the North Fork this fall

According to a recent press release, there are no prescribed burns planned for the North Fork this fall — or in the entire Hungry Horse or Glacier View ranger districts, for that matter. The Spotted Bear, Tally Lake and Swan Lake districts have a few lined up, however. Click on the map for details.

Note that the map does not display “…both landing and hand piles that are not identified on the map which may also be burned when conditions become favorable.” I’m guessing this might include some of the slash and other debris piled at the Ford Schoolhouse site.

Short North Fork Road closure Sep 21 for Cedar Creek Marathon

Many of you probably got a card in your mailbox regarding a short (6-10am) North Fork Road Closure between the Camas intersection and end-of gravel due to the running of the Cedar Creek Marathon on Saturday, September 21.

According to the postcard . . . Continue reading Short North Fork Road closure Sep 21 for Cedar Creek Marathon

Hay Creek Road open – for now

The last few miles of the Hay Creek Road (Road 376) have been closed to vehicle traffic since early last year due to a couple of massive “slumps” that spilled across the road, burying everything in their path, including the drainage culverts. The west end of the road has been essentially impassible until last week when the Forest Service reopened it on a temporary basis. Continue reading Hay Creek Road open – for now

Reminder: NFLA general meeting this Sunday at 7pm, preceded by a presentation from the Flathead K9 Foundation at 6pm

This month’s NFLA meeting kicks off with a 6:00pm presentation and K9 demo by President Julie Balch & members of the Flathead K9 Foundation. In addition, Julie is going to try to have some law enforcement K9’s and a few Search and rescue K9’s in attendance. Here’s a link for more information on the organization and how to support them:

The general membership meeting begins at 7:00pm. (The last two meetings of the year start an hour earlier.)