Change of venue for the Aug 23 Pizza Party at 6pm

Due to construction traffic on Whale Creek , the pizza party will be moved to the river at Wurtz, still on August 23 at 6:00pm. Turn east off the North Fork Road at the Wurtz cabin, go over the bridge and head for the river. Follow the signs to the party. We will try to get a spot for all of us by the river but, if there are too many campers, we will hold it on the old airstrip. Regardless, it will be fun and we hope to see you there.

As always, bring chairs, drinks, toppings, sauce or cheese to share. Oven & dough provided.

Please let your neighbors and friends know about the change.

Ford Schoolhouse: Call for Volunteers

Ford Schoolhouse tree removal - fire crew at work
Ford Schoolhouse tree removal – fire crew at work

The Forest Service is hoping to assemble a work crew to do a few projects at Ford Schoolhouse during the last week of August. Potential projects: Replace the south sill log on the building, and/or begin installing sub-flooring for a new floor that will be installed next summer. (Curiously, the old floor that they removed this summer did not have any sub-flooring.)

Contact Lois Walker at and she will pass names to Ryan Powell, the Forest Service archeologist who will be in charge of the work.

Northwest Montana Stage 1 Fire Restrictions in effect Saturday August 3 at 12:01 am

It’s that time again! From the official press release . . .

August 1st, 2024 — Interagency fire managers are implementing Stage I Fire Restrictions that will go into effect at 12:01am Saturday, August 3rd, 2024 across the Flathead National Forest, Kootenai National Forest, Glacier National Park, US Fish and Wildlife Service, Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation – Northwestern Land Office, Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks Region 1, Lincoln County, Flathead County, and Sanders County. Continue reading Northwest Montana Stage 1 Fire Restrictions in effect Saturday August 3 at 12:01 am

First Aid/CPR/AED Course July 23

First Aid SignageBob Lee will once again be giving his well-regarded First Aid/CPR/AED class in the North Fork this summer. It is an all-day course, starting at 9:00am and wrapping up by 4:00pm. The date is Tuesday, July 23. The course will be held at Sondreson Hall. Cost is $45/person. Bring your own lunch and drinks. Class size is limited to 10 people.

The course offers two-year AHA certification in First Aid, CPR and AED usage. If your job requires certified First Aid training, your current certification is expiring or if you just want to get up to speed on such things, this is an excellent way to get it done.

Contact Bill Walker, 406-407-2764 or to sign up for the course.

Issues for the 2024 North Fork Summer Interlocal

Rob Davies, Hungry Horse/Glacier View District Ranger, making a presentation at 2023 Summer North Fork Interlocal, July 12, 2023 - W. K. Walker
Rob Davies, Hungry Horse/Glacier View District Ranger, making a presentation at 2023 Summer North Fork Interlocal, July 12, 2023 – W. K. Walker

In case some of you are North Fork residents/landowners, but are not on the Interlocal mailing list, Here’s a copy of a recent email about submitting local issues and concerns for discussion at the meeting…

Hi, folks.

This year’s Summer 2024 Interlocal  Agreement Meeting is hosted by the North Fork Preservation Association on July 10, 1:00pm, at Sondreson Hall. It is preceded by the annual Firewise meeting at 9:30am and lunch at noon. Continue reading Issues for the 2024 North Fork Summer Interlocal

Live Olde Time Music by the Unstrung String Band at the Hall, June 22, 7:00pm

The Unstrung String Band – Bill Rossiter of Whitefish on banjo, Al McCurry of Trego on guitar, and Marion Boatwright of Bigfork on fiddle.

Live Olde Time Music by The Unstrung String Band at Sondreson Hall on June 22 at 7:00pm.

Debo Powers will lead the dancing, suitable for all ages and abilities. Dance, listen to fantastic music andmeet your neighbors. Bring your favorite finger foods and drinks to share.

We are requesting a $5 or $10 donation for the band, but this is not required.

North Fork Road construction season begins with lots of gravel hauling

As some of us noticed, especially those  who live within earshot of the North Fork Road, there has been a lot of heavy gravel hauling going on. According to Stephanie McElhinney, the Federal Highways Administration project engineer, it is related to this year’s scheduled construction work on the upper five miles of the North Fork Road:

The contractor was up in Whale Creek on Monday/Tuesday.  They hauled out 14 trucks with of material to take down to Cutting Edge’s facility.  My understanding from another FHWA staff member was there were other trucks up in the area as well doing culvert repair.

She went on to say that we’ll see more action starting in early June, the official start date for the project, which includes work on both the top five miles of the North Fork Road and on Glacier Drive between Polebridge and Glacier Park. There will also be a project newsletter posted within the next few weeks.

For overall project information, see: Federal Highways Administration 2024 construction plans for the North Fork Project