Knapweed Under Attack!

North Fork Weed Wranglers with their sacks of weedsThe knapweed at Sondreson Meadow was under attack on Thursday by the North Fork Weed Wranglers, a committee of the North Fork Landowners Association. The weed pull was organized by Donna Harrison, committee chair. Kat Pine, the Education/Compliance Officer from the Flathead County Weed Department joined the group under cloudy skies to add her expertise to the search and eradication of knapweed. Many bags of knapweed were hauled away by Kat.

On Tuesday, July 19th, is the Annual Weed Roundup. Meet at Sondreson Community Hall at 10AM. There will be weed identification in the morning and weed pulling in the afternoon. Bring your own weeds for identification. Please bring water, lunch, gloves, and garbage bags.

The Weed Wranglers would like to remind landowners that we are responsible for controlling noxious and invasive weeds on our properties.

New North Fork Sign

New-North-Fork-SignFolks may have noticed that there’s a new sign on the south side of the Home Ranch Bottoms pavement. Although it keeps with the spirit of the old sign, this one is spiffed up and legible, reflecting well on our community. Our many thanks to the North Fork Patrol for taking the time and effort to update this North Fork landmark.

Fire Mitigation Committee Report, Late Spring 2016

From Co-Chairs Molly Shepherd and Allen Chrisman

Hazardous Fuels Grant

The North Fork has received four hazardous fuels reduction grants since the fires of 2003. Monies have been available on a cost-share basis, with the grant paying 75% of the cost of an eligible project and the landowner contributing the remaining 25%. The Flathead Economic Policy Center has administered the grants and provided invaluable technical assistance on our behalf. We have closed out our three earlier grants and have a balance of about $20,000 remaining on the fourth. A number of landowners have committed to or are considering projects.

Our priority with the fourth grant has been to reduce hazardous fuels along the lower part of Trail Creek Road, where it passes through private property. The purpose is to improve ingress and egress, allow safer access for firefighters, and afford an escape route over the Whitefish Divide.   We’ve had a positive response from landowners. Flathead County is assisting us by chipping the slash generated by landowner treatments along the road.

The Fire Mitigation Committee tentatively expects to apply for a fifth grant when the opportunity arises. Committee members have discussed giving priority to ingress/egress projects along lower Red Meadow Road, similar to those funded along the lower stretch of Trail Creek Road. Flathead County also may support potential Red Meadow projects by chipping the resulting slash.

Information about participation in the grant program is available from Bill Swope, who may be reached at 406-250-9812 or at

Firewise Day 2016

The North Fork has been recognized as a Firewise community for eleven years.  One of the requirements for recognition is to contribute a minimum of $2 per capita toward Firewise activities.  In 2015, we contributed about $8,200, most of it in volunteer time, with a landowner population approaching 500.

Another requirement for continuing recognition is to hold an annual Firewise Day event.  The 2015 workshop featured an excellent program and strong attendance.  This year’s workshop will be held on Wednesday July 13, 2016 from 9:30 a.m. to noon at Sondreson Hall, immediately preceding the Summer Interlocal meeting.

Our Firewise Day agenda includes the following items:

  • A video by Jack Cohen, internationally known wildfire expert at the Fire Lab in Missoula.  The video’s title is “Your Home Can Survive a Wildfire,” with advice about how to create defensible space around your home.
  • A presentation by Angela Mallon and Lucas Wells of the DNRC.  They will report on the preliminary results of their study on optimal spacing of trees in hazardous fuels reduction projects.
  • A presentation by Lincoln Chute, Director of Emergency Services for Flathead County.  Mr. Chute will explain the county’s “Ready, Set, Go” evacuation program.  He may illustrate ingress/egress concerns with video footage from the Fort MacMurray fires.
  • Remarks by Andy Huntsberger, Fire Management Officer for the Forest Service’s Glacier View/Hungry Horse District.  He will review the fire season forecast and resources available on the North Fork this summer.  He’ll also touch on the potential for reburn in areas burned since the Red Bench Fire in 1988.
  • A review of the status of our hazardous fuels grants by Bill Swope and Carol Daly.  They also will address opportunities for landowners.
  • Tentatively, remarks by Christine Johnson, Executive Director of Firesafe Montana.  She will tell us about the Firesafe program.  The North Fork Landowners Association is a Firesafe member.

Here is the final agenda for Firewise Day.

Wildfire Mitigation and Planning Report

The Fire Mitigation Committee prepared a North Fork Wildfire Mitigation and Planning Report in 2005 and updated it in 2009. If you would like to see a copy of this report, please click here. The report is appended to Flathead County’s Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP).

The county anticipates revising its CWPP within the next year or two. The Fire Mitigation Committee expects to revise the North Fork’s plan in conjunction with the county’s revision. We’ll update our demographic information, grant history and achievements. We’ll also generate new maps of public and private fuels mitigation work. Public participation is required in the CWPP process.

Celebration of Carl Pittman’s Life

The Pittmans are inviting their neighbors and friends from the North Fork to a celebration of Carl’s life on Friday, July 8th, starting at Noon. Please bring a side dish to share at a pot luck lunch. Also please bring a folding chair if you have one. Come and share your memories with Carl’s friends. The address is 9340 North Fork Road.

Hall Cleanup Draws a Crowd

Margaret & Suzanne cleaned the outhousesOn Saturday, a large number of North Fork landowners participated in the annual Hall Cleanup Day at the Sondreson Community Hall in the North Fork.  Equipped with gloves, tools, and cleaning supplies, landowners washed windows, tables, counter tops, floors, outhouses and everything else they could get their hands on.  In addition, wood was chopped and stacked, rafters were dusted, yard debris was burned, and noxious weeds were pulled.  There were so many volunteers that the work was finished quickly and everyone enjoyed a lunch prepared by NFLA board members.

We want to thank all the volunteers who came to help!

Click on a photo to see a slide show of the cleanup.

Annual Hall Cleanup

Suzanne cleaning the men's outhouseNext Saturday, May 28th, is the annual cleanup of Sondreson Hall. Inside volunteers please bring cleaning supplies. Outside volunteers please bring appropriate tools, rakes, gloves, etc. A light lunch & drinks will be provided.

This annual event is a great way to start the summer season on the North Fork. Come see all your neighbors and get the hall ready for all the summer fun.

Burn Permits Are Required

Burn Permits are Required May 1- June 30. Permits are only required in May and June and they are FREE! Call Flathead County Air Quality at 751-8144 or click here for today’s ventilation forecast. Click here to apply for a permit. 

If you have additional questions or would like information regarding survivable space guidelines, wildfire preparedness, or home assessments please call the Fire Prevention Specialist for the Kalispell Unit of the DNRC at 751-2270. For more information, see the DNRC’s website.

May 1 Wildland Fire Outlook

This is showing the Northern Rockies as a pretty normal active fire season beginning in mid-July.  We will get better predictions as we get farther into the season – the July 1 Outlook will be the one I am looking for.  
There will be a lot of activity in Alaska, Hawaii, the Southwest and the Great Basin Areas.  Glad to see that Western Oregon and Washington got good moisture over the winter.

NFLA 2016 Spring Newsletter

NFLA members should have received their copy of the 2016 Spring Newsletter in the mail by now. This year’s newsletter includes not only a note from President Randy Kenyon and some excellent stories about upcoming activities on the North Fork, but a paper version of the 2016 NFLA calendar, a signup form, and an updated version of the Emergency Services fact sheet.

A thousand thank yous to Allen Chrisman and all of his helpers in putting together this year’s newsletter and getting it mail. All of your neighbors appreciate the time and effort spent in making this happen.

PDF versions of this newsletter as well as newsletters from years past may be downloaded from the NFLA Newsletter page. Check it out here and enjoy all of the summer activities.

New North Director Needed

NFLA President Randy Kenyon announced recently that North Director Paul Marotz resigned from the NFLA Board of Directors. Randy is asking folks who live north of Whale Creek (just north of Sondreson Hall) to think about who they might like to nominate for a replacement or volunteer themselves. The current plan is to present candidates to the membership for a vote, hopefully at the June meeting.