August BOD Election Results

The annual election of the officers took place at the Business Meeting on Saturday evening.  Here are the results:

  • President Karen McDonough
  • Vice President Donna Harrison
  • Past President Debo Powers
  • Treasurer Bonny Ogle
  • North Director Allen Chrisman
  • North Director Paul Marotz (new)
  • South Director Alan McNeil
  • South Director Carol Groebe

In addition, the following proposed bylaw change was passed:  Dissolution Clause; “Upon the dissolution of the North Fork Landowners’ Association, assets shall be distributed by action of the Board of Directors to one or more charitable organizations that qualify for the distribution by the applicable provisions of the Internal Revenue Code.”

The proposed by law change regarding lifetime membership was withdrawn by Bonny Ogle.

2014 Fire Wise Day

For eleven years (since the Wedge Canyon Fire in 2003, the NFLA has had a very active Fire Mitigation Committee. Each summer, the committee hosts a Fire Wise Day at the Hall to help inform landowners about what they can do on their property to mitigate the effects of catastrophic wildfire. Grants have been available to help landowners with reducing fuels around their homes. This year’s Fire Wise program began with a staggering film about the devastating wildfires that have plagued Colorado in recent years. This film covered some of the causes of those fires and the conditions that control the options that fire managers have in fighting huge wildfires. The overwhelming message of the film is that if you choose to live in a fire-prone area, you will eventually have to deal with the consequences. The remainder of the program focused on research concerning adequate distance between trees in thinning projects and the Kinsolving’s restoration project since the Wedge Canyon Fire. Molly Shepherd and Allen Chrisman received an award from Fire Safe Montana for their leadership with the NFLA Fire Mitigation Committee.

Social and square dance were great fun

Last night’s Ice Cream Social and square dance was enjoyed by everyone who came to Sondreson Hall.  Linda Pittman and Debo Powers made delicious ice cream and everyone else contributed the pies.  We had special visits from Cecily McNeil and Ray Hart who reminded us that square dances have been taking place at the hall for over 60 years – and the tradition lives on.  A special thanks to Linda for once again sponsoring this year’s Social and to Debo for her usual excellent job at calling the square dance.  We had some pretty fancy dancing going on by the end of the evening!

Don’t forget that the next square dance is scheduled for Saturday, August 16th, starting at 8PM at Sondreson Hall.  We hope to see everyone then.

North Fork Country Kitchens Cookbook update

Lois Walker reports that sale of the NFLA’s North Fork cookbook at the 4th of July parade was a tremendous success! All 400 copies of the color edition of the cookbook were sold out by 2:00 on the 4th. She sends a huge shout-out to all of the cookbook participants who marched in the Cookbook Brigade at the parade, especially to Carol Dolan-Groebe and Jan and Alice Caldwell who helped organize the marchers and Lynn Ogle and Bill Walker who helped with logistics of the sales booth.

A second printing of the cookbook is in process. This one will feature greyscale photographs in the main portion of the book, but the Heritage Section will still be in color. It will also contain a beautiful color rendition of Helen Huck Ramon’s sketch entitled “Grandma’s Kitchen.” The second edition will sell for $20 and should be available by 1 August. You can download the revised North Fork Cookbook Order Form from here.

Cook on!

Gardening with Native Plants

North Fork “plant nerds” gathered at the Community Hall on Tuesday morning for a workshop on Gardening with Native Plants. Because it was a beautiful day, the workshop was held on the front porch. Terry Divoky from Wildflower, who has been leading this workshop in our community for many years, and Stacey Jacobsen Burgard from the Center for Native Plants, presented information, answered questions, and sold native plants that they had brought with them. After attending this workshop for several years, many North Fork gardeners have transformed their home sites by landscaping with native plants. Next year, we plan to organize this workshop as a field trip to see native plants in North Fork yards.

New North Fork cookbook will be ready this week

Front Cover of the new cookbookIt has been forty-three years since the last North Fork Cookbook was published by Cecily McNeil in 1971.  Cecily’s North Fork Kitchens Cookbook contained recipes and memories of original homesteaders and their families.  Soon, we will have a new North Fork Cookbook which contains recipes and color photographs of nearly 100 North Fork families and individuals.  The new cookbook also includes a Heritage Section that features historic photographs and tells the stories of twenty long-time North Forkers who are no longer living.  Most of the photos in this section come from Larry Wilson’s legendary collection.

Continue reading New North Fork cookbook will be ready this week

Gardening with Native Plants Workshop

Don’t forget about the Gardening with Native Plants Workshop at Sondreson Hall led by Terry Divoky; native plants will be available for sale.  She will be joined by Andrew Beltz. This will take place on Tuesday, June 24th starting  at 10AM at Sondreson Hall.

Both Terry and Andrew will be bringing plants to the workshop to sell.   Want to preorder so that you can get just the plants you want?  Open this preorder list, make your selections, then email Andrew at

Forest Reminds Users of Changing Spring Conditions

Flathead National Forest managers remind all Forest users to be prepared for changing conditions and be aware of possible hazards. Water levels remain very high and all visitors are asked to be very cautious and properly evaluate if conditions are safe enough to allow for foot or stock crossings. As crews work to clear trails they are encountering small wash-outs and some large avalanche debris areas. If anyone encounters damaged trail tread or other conditions please report it to the respective ranger district. You may encounter road work including blading, brushing and ditch cleaning. Work areas will be clearly signed and motorists are asked to use caution. All forest users should expect the unexpected. Continue reading Forest Reminds Users of Changing Spring Conditions

NFLA BoD recommendation on the organization’s name change

The NFLA BoD has written a position paper that includes some background and a recommendation on whether or not to change the NFLA’s name back to NFIA.

The BoD asks that everyone review and talk about this document (see the link below) with your neighbors over the summer. General discussion time will be on the agenda for the July and August meetings when members will decide what action to take.

Our thanks to the BoD for taking time for careful consideration of this controversial topic and writing such a well thought out response.  We all appreciate the hard work that this represents.

The complete document may be viewed by clicking  NFLA Name Change – BOD Position Paper 6.3.2014.  For those who have internet access and a printer, please make copies available for your neighbors.

NFLA Holds June Meeting Outdoors

On Saturday night, the North Fork Landowners Association held its first meeting of the season outside due to the refinishing of the Hall floor a few days prior to the meeting. In order to protect the newly re-finished floors, several board members walked across the new floor in their socks and handed out the chairs. Although President Karen McDonough predicted a small turnout, this was not the case and more and more chairs had to be hauled outside as people kept arriving. The meeting proceeded as planned, but it would have been better if a few less mosquitoes had not also attended the meeting.  These photos were provided by Suzanne Daniel.