Glacier Park geology presentation at Sondreson Hall

Before the October 13th NFLA membership meeting, we enjoyed a presentation on the geology of Glacier Park by Teagan Tomlin. Teagan is a very animated and entertaining speaker. Everyone had a good time learning about some of the unique geological characteristics of the park.

Here are a few photos from the event…

REMINDER: NFLA General Meeting & Food Bank Drive this Sunday, Oct 13 at 6pm!

Sondreson Hall, Fall Decorations, Oct 6, 2024 - W. K. Walker
Sondreson Hall, Fall Decorations, Oct 6, 2024 – W. K. Walker

The last NFLA general meeting of the year is this Sunday, October 13, at Sondreson Hall. Events start at 6:00pm with a presentation by Teagan Tomlin Executive Assistant, Office of the Superintendent. Topic: Geologic History of Glacier National Park — an overview of the forces and processes that built and shaped the landscape of the park. The membership meeting is at 7:00pm.

Bring a snack to share.

** We will also be collecting non-perishable items for the Veterans Food Pantry! **

Community Hall Improvement Update

Sondreson Community Hall

By Jack McFarland and Jim Rittenburg…

Sondreson Hall is getting a new ceiling! For the past several years this topic has been discussed at a number NFLA meetings and the time has finally arrived. The research has been done, the quotes have been obtained, and the work will be undertaken during the month of May so that all work can be completed for our first NFLA meeting of 2024 on June 9th. Please note that during the month of May the hall will not be available for any activities other than the ceiling installation.
In true North Fork tradition, a group volunteers will be undertaking the project. John Stone is head of the ceiling committee and the volunteer crew, and Cody Ling is the construction supervisor. A core group of volunteers is being established and it is likely a call will be put out for additional volunteers as we get closer to May.

Prior to the ceiling installation, roof and soffit vents will be added, and the building will be sealed against animal intrusions. The new ceiling will provide a substantial aesthetic upgrade to the hall as well as holding the insulation in place and excluding rodents and bats from making Sondreson Hall their home!

Call for Volunteers! Sondreson Hall Cleanup — May 20, 10:00am

Sondreson Hall interior after clean-up, May 14, 2022 - Tami Stone
Sondreson Hall interior after clean-up, May 14, 2022 – Tami Stone

The Sondreson Hall spring cleanup is fast approaching. This year, it will be on Saturday, May 20 at 10:00am.

Dan Jacobson is in charge of hall maintenance and needs to ensure that enough people will be present to accomplish the various outside and inside tasks. If you can come, please contact his wife, Dawn, and let her know: or 406-730-1263. She’ll pass the word on to Dan.

Oh, did I not mention lunch? There will definitely be lunch. I believe Dawn has a lot to do with that part, too.

REMINDER: NFLA General Meeting & Food Bank Drive this Sunday!

Sondreson Hall by Gerry StearnsThe last NFLA general meeting of the year is this Sunday, October 9, at Sondreson Hall. Events start at 6:00pm with a presentation by Anthony Nelson, Director of the Glacier Institute. The membership meeting is at 7:00pm.

Bring a snack to share.

We will also be collecting non-perishable items for the Veterans Food Pantry!

And we could use a bit more firewood in the woodshed. The new stove uses 16-inch lengths or less, as opposed to the old stove that ate much longer logs. So we don’t have as much of the shorter stuff as we’d like.