Reminder: NFLA elections & general meeting this Sunday, Aug 14, 7pm at Sondreson Hall!

NFLA Elections & General Meeting
Sondreson Hall
Speaker at 7pm
Meeting & Elections at 8pm

Sondreson Hall by Gerry StearnsThe regular NFLA meeting starts at 8:00pm. This is an important one as it includes a couple of big events: the election of officers and board members and the approval of several proposed adjustments to the NFLA bylaws.

This month’s presentation kicks off at 7:00pm with a talk by Debo Powers and Suzanne Hildner on the “Polebridge Bear Smart Program.” (We don’t know if they will be wearing their bear costumes. One can only hope.)

Reminder! First Aid/CPR/AED course next week; only three slots left!

First Aid SignageFor those of you who missed it in May, Bob Lee will be giving his well-regarded First Aid/CPR/AED class in the North Fork again this summer. It is an all-day course, starting at 9:00am. The date is Tuesday, July 12. The course will be held at Sondreson Hall. Cost will be $45/person. (Make checks out to Red Tail Education and Research.)

If it has been two years or more since you took this course, you need to take it again in order to maintain your certification.

Course size limit is 10 people! Contact Bill Walker ( or 406-407-2764) if you wish to attend.

Note! Like last time, the certification cards will be distributed electronically. The emails sometimes get misdirected to spam, so it is important to keep an eye out for that.

Reminder! First Aid/CPR/AED course next week; only two slots left!

First Aid SignageBob Lee will be giving his well-regarded First Aid/CPR/AED class in the North Fork again this spring. It is an all-day course, starting at 9:00am. The date is Tuesday, May 24. The course will be held at Sondreson Hall. Cost will be $45/person.

If it has been two years or more since you took this course, you need to take it again in order to maintain your certification.

Course size limit is 10 people! Contact Bill Walker ( or 406-407-2764) if you wish to attend.

Note! Like last time, the certification cards will be distributed electronically. The folks sending the cards insist that every recipient have a unique email address. I.e., if you share an email address with someone else and you are both attending the course, one of you would need to pick up a second address. I can hand out temporary course email addresses if needed, just let me know. Also note that the emails sometimes get misdirected to spam, so it is important to keep an eye out for that.

Reminder: Walter Roberts remembrance activities scheduled for May 15

Walter M. Roberts at Botanical Gardens, Jan 2015
Walter Roberts at Botanical Gardens, Jan 2015

Dr. Walter Melvin Roberts III, a classics scholar and all-around good guy, died on August 29, 2021. Walter is survived by his brother Anthony, extended family, and many close friends who were like family. Aged 62, Walter passed from heart failure suddenly in his home in Detroit, Michigan, where he was born and raised. He was also a regular in Polebridge, Montana. A professor of Greek and Latin, Walter discovered Polebridge around 1985 as a place of solitude, study, teaching, and community. He loved jumping in the North Fork, exploring the environs, and cycling to Bowman and Kintla. Several times, he MC’ed Polebridge’s famous 4th-of-July parade. North Forkers read and discussed the classics with Walter, whose laugh and smile were welcoming and infectious.

A celebration of Walter’s life is planned for Sunday, May 15, 2022 . . .

There will be a reading of Plato’s Symposium at 9:30am at the North Fork Hostel. Please RSVP to Randi Rognlie ( if you plan to attend this event.

A Walter Roberts Memorial is scheduled for 1:00pm at Sondreson Hall.  Share stories, pictures, & memories of our friend & scholar.  A main dish will be provided. Bring a side or dessert to share. Contact Randi Rognlie ( if you have any questions.

Last NFLA membership meeting of 2021, Oct 10, 6pm

The North Fork Landowners Association hosts its last membership meeting of the year on Sunday, October 10, 2021. We begin with a presentation by Mark Heaphy at 6pm followed by the general membership meeting at 7pm. Note that October’s meeting starts an hour earlier than our summer schedule (6pm vs. 7pm).

Bring a snack to share & items for the food pantry.

Mark’s presentation will cover search and rescue issues. He will also discuss solar power.

Please note that COVID-19 precautions at Sondreson Hall are governed by the current CDC recommendations for meetings in public venues in areas of the country of “substantial or high transmission” for the Delta variant of the COVID-19 virus. Seating will be socially distanced (six feet spacing), although family members may wish to sit closer together. Masks and hand sanitizer will be available to those who need them.

View current meeting agenda.

Reminder: First NFLA meeting of 2021-2022 season, Sep 12

Sondreson Community Hall
Sondreson Community Hall

The North Fork Landowners Association hosts its first meeting of the 2021-2022 season on September 12, 2021. We begin with a North Fork history presentation by Lois Walker and Arne Boveng at 7pm followed by the general membership meeting at 8pm.

Here’s your opportunity to meet our new officers, learn what they are planning for next season and how you can be an active part of our community. On the agenda is a report from our new president, Richard Hildner, regarding North Fork Road conditions and Glacier View Drive. We will also discuss the time for NFLA meetings each month (no changes may be made to the regularly scheduled date of the meeting).

Bring a snack to share, and join us for an interesting presentation by the History Committee at 7pm followed by our Membership meeting at 8pm.

Please note that COVID-19 precautions at Sondreson Hall are governed by the current CDC recommendations for meetings in public venues in areas of the country of “substantial or high transmission” for the Delta variant of the COVID-19 virus. Seating will be socially distanced (six feet spacing), although family members may wish to sit closer together. Masks and hand sanitizer will be available to those who need them.

View current meeting agenda.

COVID-19: Updated Sondreson Hall Use Restrictions and Guidelines

The COVID-19 policy for events at Sondreson Hall is based on current CDC guidelines. People who have not been fully vaccinated are encouraged to continue taking precautions, including hand washing, wearing a mask and, where practical, practicing social distancing.

If needed, disposable masks are available at the hall. The suggested donation for a mask is $1.00, but do not hesitate to use a mask just because you don’t have a dollar handy.

Hand sanitizer is also available at the hall.

NFLA Board of Directors
May 23, 2021


In general, people are considered fully vaccinated:
    2 weeks after their second dose in a 2-dose series, such as the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines, or
    2 weeks after a single-dose vaccine, such as Johnson & Johnson’s Janssen vaccine.

See the CDC website ( for more details on COVID-19 precautions.

COVID-19: Sondreson Hall Use Restrictions and Guidelines – max capacity now 25

I wear the mask to protect the people closest to me - BatmanThe governor has tightened up the state’s pandemic-related restrictions, effective  November 20, 2020. The only impact locally is to reduce Sondreson Hall’s maximum capacity from 50 to 25. Everything else remains the same. Here are the updated “Sondreson Hall Use Restrictions and Guidelines” . . .

The following restrictions, guidelines and notices apply to the use of Sondreson Hall under Montana’s “Phase 2” COVID-19 management plan, the November 17, 2020 “Directive on Group Size and Capacity,” and in accordance with Montana’s mask directive:

The maximum number of people in the hall at any given time is 25. For a given event, up to 25 chairs will be set up, dispersed as widely as practical. If there are no empty seats available, please do not enter the hall until someone else leaves. If the event requires tables, they should be dispersed as widely as practical (ideally at least 6 feet apart) with no more than six individuals seated at each table.

Face coverings are required within the hall for all individuals with the following exceptions:

  • Children under the age of five. All children between the ages of two and four, however, are strongly encouraged to wear a face covering. Children under the age of two should not wear a face covering.
  • Persons who have a medical condition precluding the safe wearing of a face covering.
  • Other exceptions as defined in the Governor’s July 15, 2020 Mask Directive.

No food sharing beyond family groups except under specific circumstances. The exception is when food is distributed in a serving line with the individuals handing out the food using appropriate protection (masks and gloves).

During clean-up after events, please follow the disinfection guidelines posted throughout the hall:

“Please use spray bottle solution to disinfect all surfaces, including tables, counters, the lectern, the stovetop, and the sink area. Also wipe down any chairs that were used during the event. Disposable gloves are provided. The solution contains bleach so be careful with your clothing. Thank you for helping us keep our members and guests safe.”

Hand sanitizer is available several places throughout the hall. Please use it as needed.

If needed, disposable masks are available at the hall. The suggested donation for a mask is $1.00, but do not hesitate to use a mask just because you don’t have a dollar handy.

(To view or download this information as a printable PDF, click here.)