Bear resistant containers available!

Immediate Action Needed

Grizzly trying to open Kodiak Can
Grizzly trying to open Kodiak Can
Kodiak Can
Kodiak Can

NFLA and NFPA are partnering to offer members the opportunity to purchase 96-gallon Kodiak bear resistant garbage containers at a reduced price. NFPA has negotiated a reduced price of $300 per container. In order to take advantage of this opportunity your order needs to be placed by January 24thPlease send a check made out to “Northland Products” to NFPA ASAP or hand deliver to Flannery Coats, Randy Kenyon, or Suzanne Hildner. If you miss the deadline, there may be a few containers available for purchase, but we expect them to disappear rapidly. Delivery will be in April.

NFPA Address:

77 Moose Creek Rd.
Polebridge, MT 59928

Because USPS (and Karin) only deliver twice a week and time is short you may also mail to:

Suzanne Hildner
104 5th St
Whitefish, MT 59937

Randy Kenyon:
Flannery Coats:
Suzanne Hildner:

North Fork Land Use Advisory Committee meeting for Dec 22 canceled

There has been a recent significant turn of events in the Avila zoning variance matter. It appears now our zoning language makes this variance a done deal. This is confirmed by the planning office email below. This, along with a variety of other logistical considerations, has placed the NFLUAC in an awkward position. This has led to the difficult decision of canceling the upcoming meeting scheduled for this coming Wednesday the 22nd. We do feel it remains important to express your concerns to the planning staff and Board of Adjustment. This outcome underscores the need to complete the text amendment revision. These efforts proceed on and we can assure all landowners that their participation in this endeavor is essential. We look forward to your continued support.

NF Neighborhood Plan and Zoning 3.40.04

3. Any existing lot or tract which cannot meet these setbacks because of size or topographic limitations will be given a variance.

 I spoke with Erik, the director, and he did confirm that this particular variance, it did meet the criteria for approval as stated in The Zoning Regulations, Section 3.40.03 (as you had referenced earlier) and will be granted.  The review of the LUAC is just a formality and will go forward.


North Fork Patrol year-end report

North Fork and the moon - photo by Mark Heaphy
North Fork and the moon – Mark Heaphy

The North Fork Patrol had its year-end meeting this past Thursday, December 16, and had only a few things to report:

    • There were no major incidents this past year. Recorded patrol mileage was 1427 miles.
    • With the increase of people in the area, the board wanted to recommend to folks who store weapons in their structures that they make sure guns are locked up, preferably in a safe.
    • Keeping an eye on your neighbor’s property goes a long way to helping out the community and the patrol.

Mark Heaphy

North Fork Land Use Advisory Committee meets Dec 22, 5:00pm, at Sondreson Hall









Document links:
Agency Comments
Agency Referral Letter
Parcel Information Report
Site Plan


Glacier National Park Announces Plans for 2022 Ticket System

Going-to-the-Sun Road
Going-to-the-Sun Road

From today’s press release . . .

WEST GLACIER, Mont. [December 13, 2021] – Visitors to Glacier National Park in 2022 can expect to use a ticket system to access portions of the park from May 27 through September 11, 2022.

This will be the second year of the pilot ticket system in the park, designed to manage high traffic volumes within the park and avoid gridlock.

    • To alleviate congestion, one ticket per vehicle will again be required to enter the Going-to-the-Sun Road (GTSR) at the West Entrance, St. Mary Entrance, and the new Camas Entrance.
    • In 2022, a ticket per vehicle will also be required at the Polebridge Ranger Station to visit the North Fork area of the park.
    • The GTSR and North Fork tickets will be two separate tickets. The park anticipates a portion of tickets becoming available by early March. Like last year, visitors will need to set up an account on to obtain tickets. Although the park does not charge for the tickets, charges a $2 nonrefundable service fee.
    • Tickets will not be required at the St. Mary Entrance prior to the full opening of the GTSR, typically in late June. Once snow removal and road preparations are complete and the road opens to vehicle traffic to Logan Pass, tickets will be required at the St. Mary entrance through September 11, 2022.
    • The park will offer three-day tickets for GTSR rather than the seven-day ticket offered last year, and one-day tickets for the North Fork.
    • The Apgar and Sprague Creek campgrounds will require advance reservations in addition to Fish Creek and St. Mary campgrounds. Reservations will be available on in 2022. Rising Sun and Avalanche campgrounds will remain first come, first served. The park anticipates all campgrounds to be operating in 2022.

The 2021 pilot of the ticket system successfully reduced traffic on GTSR during peak hours and circumvented the need to fully close access to GTSR due to congestion an estimated 35 times. This was a major accomplishment despite 2021 visitation numbers currently boasting the second highest on record for the park. Avoiding gridlock also ensured access to emergency vehicles and prevented severe vehicle back-ups onto Highway 2 outside the park.

In addition to the ticket, each vehicle entering the park is required to have an entrance pass for any entry point into the park. These passes could include any one of the following: a $35 vehicle pass, good for seven days; a valid Interagency Annual/Lifetime Pass; or a Glacier National Park Annual Pass.

Visitors with lodging, camping, transportation, or commercial activity reservations within the GTSR corridor can use their reservation for entry in lieu of a $2 ticket. (The North Fork area does not offer lodging, transportation or commercial services, and camping is first come, first served.)

Park shuttles will operate in 2022. Service levels are still to be determined.

The park anticipates continued congestion at Two Medicine and Many Glacier. As in past years, entry will be temporarily restricted when these areas reach capacity. Visitors are encouraged to plan their visit outside of peak hours (10:00 am to 2:00 pm). Visitors with service reservations (e.g. boat tours, lodging, horseback ride, guided hikes) in these valleys will be permitted entry during temporary restrictions.

Park staff are currently working on details for a utility project this summer that may require the west side of Going-to-the-Sun Road to be closed at night, except for emergency vehicles. More details on this project will be forthcoming, but visitors should anticipate a late night through early morning closure from Apgar to Lake McDonald Lodge from June to September. is the designated partner of 12 federal agencies for making reservations at 4,200 facilities and activities, and over 113,000 individual reservable sites across the country. While they are a close partner, their website is not operated by Glacier National Park.

Additional details about the ticketed system are still in development. The park website will provide updates as more information becomes available.

North Fork presentation on Glacier Park’s 2022 ticketed entry plans, Dec 13, 10am

As many of you have already heard, Glacier National Park is extending their ticketed entry system to cover the North Fork Entrance for the 2022 tourist season. Representatives will present information on the park’s traffic management plans, including North Fork-specific details, at 10:00am on Monday, December 13 at Home Ranch Bottoms (HRB).

There’s not much room at HRB and COVID is still an issue, so this will be a “hybrid” meeting, mostly handled online via Zoom, with a small number of presenters and representatives physically present. Here’s the Zoom meeting information:

Topic: GNP Update Meeting

Time: Dec 13, 2021 10:00 AM Mountain Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 823 6703 5408
Passcode: 822241

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Meeting ID: 823 6703 5408
Passcode: 822241
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Kate Hammond named Glacier Park’s interim superintendent

Kate Hammond
Kate Hammond

Kate Hammond, deputy regional director for the National Park Service’s intermountain region, will be Glacier Park’s interim superintendent . . .

Glacier National Park has named a temporary successor to replace outgoing Superintendent Jeff Mow, who recently announced his retirement from the park’s top administrative position, which he’s held since 2013.

Kate Hammond, who since 2016 has served as the National Park Service’s deputy regional director of the intermountain region, supervising park units in Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, Utah, and New Mexico, and who formerly worked as superintendent at Little Bighorn Battlefield Center in Montana and at Valley Forge National Historical Park near Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, will assume the interim position after the new year, when Mow’s retirement takes effect.

Although Mow will retire as chief of Glacier Park, he spent the summer on a temporary detail overseeing the National Park Service’s Alaska region, an administrative maneuvering that came just as the agency’s Crown Jewel debuted its controversial new ticketed entry system.

Continue reading . . .

Glacier Park to keep ticketed entry for 2022 season; will likely include Polebridge entrance

View East into Glacier NP from Glacier View Mtn, April 16, 2017 - W. K. Walker
View East into Glacier NP from Glacier View Mtn, April 16, 2017 – W. K. Walker

No real surprises here, except for the hint that the Polebridge entrance might be included in the ticketed entry system this summer. Reportedly, the park is not, in fact, just “exploring the possibility,” they are going to do it . . .

Glacier National Park will require tickets to enter the Going-to-the-Sun Road corridor in the 2022 summer season, park spokeswoman Gina Kerzman confirmed Friday.

The park is also exploring the possibility of a ticketed entry system for the Polebridge entrance up the North Fork, she confirmed, but cautioned that has not been finalized.

Last summer Glacier often had the entrance to Polebridge closed by early morning, as parking lots filled at Bowman and Kintla lakes. The park required tickets to enter the Sun Road corridor from 6 a.m. to 5 p.m. from Memorial Day through Labor Day.

Continue reading . . .

Walter Roberts dies unexpectedly; remembrance scheduled for May 15, 2022

Thanks to Randi Rognlie for supplying this information . . .

Walter Melvin Roberts, III
Walter Melvin Roberts, III

With great sadness we announce the death of Walter Melvin Roberts III on August 29, 2021. Walter is survived by his brother Anthony, extended family, and many close friends who were like family. Age 62, Walter passed from heart failure suddenly in his home in Detroit, Michigan, where he was born and raised. He was also a regular in Polebridge, Montana. A professor of Greek and Latin, Walter discovered Polebridge around 1985 as a place of solitude, study, teaching, and community. He loved jumping in the North Fork, exploring the environs, and cycling to Bowman and Kintla. Several times, he MC’ed Polebridge’s famous 4th-of-July parade. North Forkers read and discussed the classics with Walter, whose laugh and smile were welcoming and infectious.

A celebration of Walter’s life is planned for Sunday, May 15, 2022, 1 pm, at Square Peg Ranch in Polebridge if weather permits, or Sondreson Community Hall if not. Read Walter’s full obituary at