NFLA Elections & General Meeting Sondreson Hall Speaker at 7pm Meeting & Elections at 8pm
The regular NFLA meeting starts at 8:00pm. This is an important one as it includes a couple of big events: the election of officers and board members and the approval of several proposed adjustments to the NFLA bylaws.
This month’s presentation kicks off at 7:00pm with a talk by Debo Powers and Suzanne Hildner on the “Polebridge Bear Smart Program.” (We don’t know if they will be wearing their bear costumes. One can only hope.)
During this Sunday’s NFLA membership meeting, there will be a silent auction of items discovered during last month’s Sondreson Hall attic clean-out. Proceeds will go toward replacing our antique digital projector, which doesn’t work with any computer built within the last decade.
The Sondreson Hall spring cleanup is fast approaching. This year, there will be two events: Cleaning out the loft over the kitchen area on Saturday, May 7, and the usual general cleanup in and around the building on Saturday, May 14. Start time for both events will probably be 10:00am.
We need to ensure we have volunteers on both days for some specific tasks, listed below. Contact Irv Heitz ( or 406-261-2690) if you can help out.
Sat., May 7, 10:00am – Loft Cleanup
Clean up. Haul unneeded junk from loft above kitchen.
Some of this material should probably be kept (Christmas decorations, for example); some may be useful to other folks in the community; some may just be trash.
We need folks to haul down and help sort all this out.
We will also need a trailer for disposal of material that doesn’t make the cut.
Sat. May 14, 10:00am – General Hall Cleanup
Outside tasks include, but are not limited to…
Place cinder blocks under wood-fired cook stove in kitchen.
Search for and repair roof leak over counter window. Look on roof for loose screws/nails.
Clean up brush with weed-whacker.
Cut and remove to burn pile those trees/brush per Deb Starling Hazardous fuels reduction inventory. (Irv will have marked them)
Fix inside roof by new chimney; seal and insulate. (Call Irv for instructions.)
Thanksgiving dinner hosts, Janet and Dick Leigh, are unable to host this year’s celebration. While this is not an NFLA sponsored event, any NFLA member can volunteer to be the host. Hosts are responsible for organizing, conducting, and cleaning up afterwards.
If any NFLA member would like to host Thanksgiving dinner at Sondreson Hall they should submit a rental application to the NFLA Secretary, Karina Pettey ( Janet Leigh has volunteered to share information about hosting responsibilities and details with anyone interested in being this year’s Thanksgiving dinner host. Janet’s email address is
Again, please let the NFLA Secretary know if you are interested. Thank you for your long-time interest and support.
Wishing you all the best,
Richard Hildner, President
North Fork Landowners Association
Please note that there is a community meeting Saturday, July 24th at 6:00PM. The meeting will take place at the Sondreson Community Hall parking lot.
Incident Update
Resources on scene observed active fire behavior through the night. The fire is burning in the Hay Creek drainage in the North Fork of the Flathead National Forest and is being managed for full suppression. Due to safety concerns associated with steep terrain, thick timber, and current fuel conditions, fire managers are using indirect tactics. Today firefighters will continue brushing out roads and improving fuel breaks on the Hay Creek, Red Meadow, and Spruce Creek Roads, as assessing the need for future structure protection
Fire command transitioned to a Type 3 Incident Management Team 6am Friday morning, July 23, 2021.
The Flathead County Sheriff’s department issued 20 pre-evacuation notices to structure in vicinity of the Hay Creek Fire on Wednesday. See associated pre-evacuation notice.
The traditional Thanksgiving dinner at the Hall will be hosted by Janet and Dick Leigh this year.
Thanksgiving dinner is a festive event with hundreds of neighbors and family members packed into the Hall. Food is always plentiful as befitting a Thanksgiving feast. Turkey and ham will be provided and everyone else will bring a large dish of their favorite food to share and the beverage of their choice.
The doors open at 3:00 and the feast will begin at 4:00. Everyone is asked to bring their own place settings (plates, utensils, napkins, and glasses) since dish washing is very difficult without running water at the Hall.